Chapter 237

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In fact, Ye Feng also somewhat doubted that he has a special physique.

Just like the ridicule of several in-house policemen just now, as soon as I returned to the police station, the police situation actually went to the police station by himself, and there was no need to even go to the police station!

Otherwise, it is very rare to find a gun and send it to the police station.

Is it possible that this is the hidden special ability that the system gives itself?

Ye Feng wanted to give it a try. He just sat in the police station to see if he could be sent out by police.

Although this kind of thinking is nonsense, since the system has appeared, it seems reasonable to be nonsense.

"Boss Afeng, when shall we go out on duty?" Li Hao and Zhou Yuyang couldn't help but ask when they watched Ye Feng sitting there so well and leisurely.

Ye Feng's expression was light and breezy, even with a little secretive calmness.

"Wait, wait for the police to come by yourself!"

Li Hao and Zhou Yuyang couldn't help but open their mouths wide, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

Although Ye Feng has always been amazing, but in reality, those must be coincidences and luck.

Do you really think that Ye Feng has super powers, sitting there and doing gong, and then the bad guys come to him? 04

Isn't that nonsense?

Therefore, he felt that Ye Feng was completely joking, but Ye Feng had other calculations in his mind.

They don't know what Ye Feng is thinking, and they don't need to think, just follow in Ye Feng's footsteps.

However, as soon as Ye Feng's voice fell off, he heard a sound of brakes appearing in the yard of the police station, which was extraordinary.

Li Hao: "......"

Zhou Yuyang: "..."

Li Hao and Zhou Yuyang couldn't help but glance at each other, their eyes were full of amazement, and an absurd idea sprang up in their hearts—

Wouldn't there be any police coming to the door?

Looking at Ye Feng's eyes again, it is no longer possible to describe it in simple words. It is simply a kind of worship that I dare not look directly at.

At this time, Ye Feng had already stepped out of the small building of the police station and entered the courtyard.

Li Hao and Zhou Yuyang followed closely, and they both thought about what had happened.

"Police officer, two of my friends are fighting. I can't stop my car, so I just drove into the police station. You can mediate for them as soon as possible."

The driver got out of the car and hurriedly faced Ye Feng a little flustered.

Ye Feng's expression remained unchanged. He looked at the back seat, and saw that there were indeed two people swearing at each other, and they seemed to be really doing it.

Without saying anything, he opened the rear door directly, and Ye Feng shouted into it.

"Police! Stop! Get off!"

Perhaps the deterrent effect of the word police is a bit strong, and the two people in the back seat subconsciously stopped their hands.

"You get off the train from both sides and stand still!" Ye Feng continued to order.

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