Chapter 164

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Ye Feng himself has a certain ability to compare handwriting.

After all, the characters written by someone are like ants crawling, and the characters written by someone are as sharp as a sword. No one would think that this is a character written by one person.

Although technical means cannot be used at the scene, Ye Feng can eliminate most people’s fonts visually, which is definitely not the same as the handwriting left by the thief.

Excluding most of the handwriting, Ye Feng collected the similar handwriting and sent it directly to Jin Feng.

Jin Feng immediately went to the technical police officer in charge of handwriting identification in the technical department to compare the handwriting.

Batch after batch of signatures were sent, and the technical officers couldn’t help but want to complain.

However, Ye Feng has his own set. He directly asked Jin Feng to buy a large amount of snacks and send it to the technical department, and promised to treat guests to a big meal when he had time. This allowed the technical officers to work overtime to speed up the completion of handwriting identification.

Not to mention, the result of handwriting appraisal really made Ye Feng very happy!

Among the many handwritings, one handwriting is almost identical to the handwriting on the note left by the suspect at the scene, and it can almost be concluded that this is by one person.

From a legal perspective, handwriting comparison cannot be used as a solitary testimony to convict, but it can be used as important evidence.

Ye Feng got excited when he got the result sent by Jin Feng.

This proves that his guess is correct.

And now the suspect has almost been locked, and no surprise, that person is a burglar.

Ye Feng directly asked Jin Feng to apply for a search warrant and summoning procedures, and quickly rushed to the scene. The four police officers here have also completed the assembly, ready to search and arrest the suspect at any time.

“Boss, you are so amazing!”

“Unexpectedly, I can think of using handwriting to lock suspects!”

“Although this cannot be directly used as evidence, it is enough for us to summon him as a suspect for investigation.”

“Learned another hand!”

Several police officers sighed with emotion. They really didn’t expect Ye Feng to make a breakthrough in this way.

Luo Yang, the deputy team leader, was also extremely excited. Although he had guessed Ye Feng’s purpose, he has really locked the suspect now, which is still very pleasant.

He already realized that he was really on the right to transfer to the special operations team of the Criminal Investigation Brigade!

He believes that under the leadership of Ye Feng, the special operations team can achieve brilliant achievements and become a true legend.

Soon, Jin Feng rushed to the scene with a search warrant and summoning formalities, and merged with the large forces.

According to the result of the handwriting comparison, the suspect is the resident of this community and lived in the same unit in the same building as the stolen resident.

No wonder he can evade all surveillance and complete the burglary silently without leaving any clues.

When the suspect saw the police coming, although he was a little panicked, he was not afraid.

Because he knew about the theft, the police would definitely visit the neighbors around him. He had been visited and questioned by the police before.

“Police officer, I said it last time, I didn’t see anything unusual, really!”

The man was about 40 years old, thin and weak, and his expression seemed helpless when the police came to the door.

Ye Feng didn’t talk nonsense, and directly showed the search warrant and summoning materials.

“Now we suspect that you are related to a burglary case. Please cooperate in the investigation.”

Then, Ye Feng squeezed the man away, and several police officers filed in behind him and began to search the house.

The man was horrified and terrified. He really didn’t expect the police to lock him down.

“How do I know if your procedures are fake?” The man turned around to stop a few police officers, “You can’t mess around!”

Ye Feng was not polite this time, and he grabbed the man with his backhand, and a little bit of force made him feel more painful.

“Boss, this box seems to contain stolen items!”

Soon, Wang Hongliang had a harvest.

He found a black storage box, and after opening it, he found a lot of things in a mess, as if it were the stolen items that the owner said were registered.

“Ipad, gold jewelry, wallet… this wallet also has photos of the owner’s family!”

Wang Hongliang yelled happily while flipping.

Seeing that the finishing box was turned over, the man lowered his head. He knew that the matter was completely exposed.

“What else can I say this time?” Ye Feng snorted coldly, took out the handcuffs, and handcuffed the man.

The suspect was escorted, brought a storage box that was suspected of hiding the stolen goods, and called the owner to the Criminal Investigation Brigade to identify the stolen items, and the group quickly arrived at the Criminal Investigation Brigade.

At this time, all the police officers of the Criminal Investigation Brigade who were at home saw the special operations team coming back with the suspect so soon, they were so surprised that they couldn’t speak from ear to ear.

The burglary case was solved so soon?

Is Ye Feng particularly good at cracking burglaries?

You know, the police station and the criminal investigation squadron of the branch have been investigated before, and there was no result in a few days.

But Ye Feng was like this again, leading the team to go out, and it was useless for a day, so he had already brought the suspect back.

Do you want to be so exaggerated?

And when they heard from colleagues in the technical department that Ye Feng’s special operations team had identified the suspect through handwriting comparison, it was even more shocking.

How can Ye Feng always achieve a breakthrough in the case through such a peculiar angle?

They can’t think of this when replaced by them.

But at this time, Ye Feng didn’t have time to talk with them, and directly let the team members divide the work to complete the follow-up work of the case.

A series of tasks such as interrogation, identifying stolen items, and writing case reports all require manpower.

In the face of irrefutable conclusive evidence, the thief suspect simply confessed to his criminal behavior and became himself robbed of the owner’s home twice in a row.

As for his motive for committing the crime, it is no longer important.

After the owner’s identification, all the items in this storage box were all stolen by the suspect from his home.

According to the market price, the amount involved is close to 40,000 yuan.

The value of the case is not small!

Ye Feng came to the lobby and wrote the words “burglary” on the whiteboard, on the line belonging to the special operations team.

Finally, the Arabic numeral 1 is marked with a smaller font.

This is the first case that the special operations team uncovered in Operation Blue Sword!

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