Chapter 72

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Now, the problem is at hand!

If the suspect chooses to commit the crime tonight, then he may have selected the target before and stepped on it.

Naturally, the goal must be directed at the corner bar.

But if the suspect does not intend to act tonight, but chooses to open the store review app to find the target tonight, then his target will become a script bar!

That means that the deployment and control of the task force today will be completely useless!

Even if I went to the script bar again tomorrow to set up the control, but if there are other bars that also learn how to improve the popularity of the shop, then the task force will not be enough for them to toss.

How to do?

In the office, the members of the task force became sad.

This is indeed very disturbing!

The task force has done well enough to find a breakthrough and complete control, just waiting for the suspect to be arrested.

But who would have thought that at a critical juncture, there would be such an accident that no one can control.

“Can you send a letter to the store review app company to let them lock in the data of the Binhai Bar popularity rankings in the short term, and wait until we close the case?”

A police officer scratched his head, tentatively trying to suggest.

Zhao He thought for a while and shook his head.

“Sending a letter in the name of our municipal bureau also requires an approval process, and then it takes time to communicate with the company. Even if it can be achieved, I am afraid it will take a few days!”

The progress of the case often produces new changes in the blink of an eye, and the next victim may appear in a few days.

“Let’s quickly contact the script bar and stay here tonight. Tomorrow we will go to the script bar to re-arrange the control!” Although it was a little reluctant, the hard work of the day was in vain, but who made this happen suddenly Change it.

Zhao He was helpless, but there was no other way.

When everyone was at a loss, Ye Feng suddenly spoke.

“Actually, it is easy to solve the problem!”

“Just let the corner bar become the fourth most popular bar!”

Ye Feng said lightly, except for the surprise at the beginning, as if he didn’t feel embarrassed about it.

“What do you mean?” Zhao He asked subconsciously without responding for a while.

“Since the script bar can gain popularity, so can the corner bar!” Ye Feng smiled and said, “Isn’t it all right to swipe the corner bar up again!”

A word to wake up the dreamer, all the police officers couldn’t help taking a breath.

Although it’s a bit off the beaten track, it is the simplest and most direct method!

Their way of thinking is a bit fixed, and when dealing with cases, they will often choose the most procedural approach. This kind of biased approach would never appear in their minds.

And now Ye Feng’s method is like opening a door to a new world in front of them, making everything suddenly clear.

“Yes, why didn’t I think about it!”

“This method is good, the easiest!”

“Afeng, your brain circuit is too strange, right?”

“Great, I finally don’t have to bother to deploy control.”

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