Chapter 122

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The Criminal Investigation Brigade dispatched some police officers from the Second Squadron, including Ye Feng and Zhao Daqi, the commander of the Second Squadron.

Originally thought that the burglary case would keep the second squadron busy for a few days, but he did not expect to show up and brought back the suspect. Naturally, there was no need to be as busy as the other three squadrons.

Therefore, this police situation was handed over to the Second Squadron, which currently has no important work.

“Isn’t the search and rescue work usually done by the police station and the forest ranger? Even if the situation is critical, let the special police take the police dog to search the mountain!” Ye Feng asked Zhao Daqi a little puzzled in the car, “Why is this? Let’s do the work by the Criminal Investigation Brigade?”

It’s no wonder that Ye Feng is puzzled. Although everyone is a police officer, they have their own work directions and different focuses.

The Criminal Investigation Brigade mainly investigates and solves major criminal cases, and this is their strength.

“It is true that the donkey is missing. If it is normal, there should be a search and rescue by police from the police station.”

“But we received a report. The missing young man called his family the night before and said that he might change his itinerary and would not enter the mountain.”

“Now that the fellow is missing, the family suspects that something may have happened to the young man, so the superiors decided to let our Criminal Investigation Brigade intervene in the investigation as appropriate.”

Zhao Daqi answered Ye Feng’s confusion.

Ye Feng nodded suddenly, this is reasonable.

He really wanted to analyze the case, but now he didn’t have any information, and naturally there was no way to do more, so Ye Feng closed his eyes in the car and squinted for a while.

Soon, the police car arrived at the farmyard in a small village at the foot of Donghu Mountain.

This farmyard is located on the westernmost side of the village and covers a large area. If you think about walking a few hundred meters west, you can directly enter the mountain.

The missing traveler stayed in this farmyard last night.

When the police car arrived, there were already policemen on the scene, as well as the parents of the missing travel companions. The two elderly people’s worries about their children were already expressive.

“What’s the situation now?” Zhao Daqi asked after greeted the police at the scene.

The police immediately explained what they had known in advance.

“The missing person is a 25-year-old male named Li Xu. He came out of his home three days ago and said he would travel to Donghushan.”

“I lived in this farmyard that night.”

“But that night, he used to talk to his home on the phone, saying that his fellow traveler could not make the appointment because of something, and that it is a bit dangerous to enter the mountain alone, so he wanted to give up the plan to enter the mountain.”

“The owner of the farmyard confirmed this, but early the next morning, Li Xu didn’t know why he changed his mind and went up the mountain alone.”

“Then Li Xu lost the connection and couldn’t get through when the phone was turned off.”

“Our three policemen and five forest rangers have been divided into two groups and we have entered the mountain to search and rescue together. As for whether there will be a result, it is still hard to say.”

Zhao Daqi nodded, this situation is not much different from what he knew in advance.

“A Feng, what do you think?” Zhao Daqi asked Ye Feng suddenly.

Now it seems that the donkey traveled to the mountain and disappeared. Strictly speaking, there is no need for the Criminal Investigation Brigade to intervene. Just relying on the suspicion of Donkey’s parents to make the Criminal Investigation Brigade investigating with fanfare, it doesn’t look like there will be a result.

However, Zhao Daqi felt that maybe Ye Feng, the enchanting evildoer, might have some whimsical ideas at this time, so he asked quite expectantly.

Suddenly cueed, Ye Feng looked at Zhao Daqi in surprise with a strange expression.

Now there is no information, no clues, you ask me?

Do you really think that as soon as I go out, I can bring back my lost fellow traveler?

You are too dear to me!

Ye Feng did not answer Zhao Daqi’s question, and began to observe around.

The first thing he observed was this farmyard.

In fact, this farmyard is the house of a local farmer, and two rooms have been vacated to receive travel companions who occasionally enter the mountain.

Nothing is delayed, and you can make some extra money.

“Can I see the room Li Xu lived in?” Ye Feng asked.

“It’s the one on the left. I have two rooms vacated here. He lives in this one!” The owner of the farmyard led Ye Feng into it.

However, when he stretched out his hand to do this action, Ye Feng found that there was a scar on his hand 0…

“what happened to your hand?”

“Oh, I got it when I was doing farm work.” The boss explained to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng didn’t pay much attention to this, and checked the situation in the room.

This is a typical farm house. Although the boss may paint the walls, put tiles on the floor, and some furniture such as wardrobes in order to make the friends live more comfortable, the soil kang is still very distinctive.

But this is just a guest room, and Ye Feng didn’t notice anything abnormal.

At this time, several police officers also got preliminary findings.

“Boss, because of the rain, the footprints in the mountain are no longer recognizable.”

“When Li Xu entered the village, villagers found out, but no one saw him leave, so he should have entered the mountain!”

“I called my fellow traveler who had made an appointment with Li Xu to enter the mountain. The other party said that there was a temporary contract to discuss, so the contract was cancelled. Anyone who participated in the contract negotiation that day can testify for him.”

The police officers’ report made Zhao Daqi ponder for a while, then turned to Li Xu’s parents and said, “The two elderly people, judging from the current situation, Li Xu should have entered the mountain, perhaps because he was lost and trapped inside. Our police station and the forest ranger are looking for it. Don’t worry too much, I believe he will be fine.”

Zhao Daqi felt that there was no need for him and a few team members to stay here anymore. Obviously, this is not a criminal case. The current clues that Li Xu has entered the mountain, they continue to intervene, and they can’t help much.

However, Li Xu’s parents were very sure.

“Li Xu will definitely not go into the mountain. Although he likes to take risks, he definitely knows what is important. He has never been to climb a mountain alone, police officer, hurry up and look for clues to see where he has gone!” Li Xu’s mother kept her eyes red, holding Zhao Daqi’s hand and not letting it go.

“This…” Zhao Daqi was in a dilemma.

At this time, the owner of the farmyard suddenly said: “Perhaps you can ask Erhanzi, he might know something.”

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