Chapter 32-41

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“Hello, Police Officer Ye Feng, I am Zhang Yutong, the reporter and editor of the Evening News. I am very happy to interview you.”

Zhang Yutong is generous and generous. The reporter’s ability makes her outstanding temperament more attractive. Of course, her appearance is absolutely top beauty, comparable to police flower Li Yanfei.

After seated, Zhang Yutong took out the recording pen and put it on the table professionally, then opened the notepad and quickly entered the state.

“I heard that you have solved major cases even after you just became a policeman. This is very rare in the police world. It seems that you are born an excellent people’s policeman!”

There was a little admiration in Zhang Yutong’s interesting tone. Obviously, she also learned about the brilliant achievements Ye Feng has achieved in the past few days, and she felt very moved.

“It’s all luck if you have passed the award, and you must not ignore the efforts of your colleagues.” Ye Feng smiled and waved his hands again and again.

“I heard people say that you have magical powers in your body. Criminals are lining up to join you. It seems that all the cases will not help you. It is not like a police officer who just joined. Why are you so strong? What about ability?” Zhang Yutong asked curiously.

“I can’t talk about ability, but when I was in school, I liked to play crime-solving games with a few classmates, simulate cases, look for clues from clues, and solve difficult problems, so now I am not unfamiliar with the process of solving crimes.” Ye Feng smiled. Explained.

Zhang Yutong nodded suddenly, “No wonder, but even so, I want to say that you are still a genius in solving crimes.”

Next, Zhang Yutong asked Ye Feng some questions about solving the case. Ye Feng answered truthfully if he could say it, and Ye Feng would tell it frankly if he could not.

The atmosphere was very harmonious, and the interview continued until around 7pm.

Zhang Yutong put away the recorder and stretched his waist.

“Are I fortunate enough to invite our crime-solving heroes to dinner?” Zhang Yutong was very curious about Ye Feng. During the interview, Ye Feng also left a good impression on her, so she naturally invited.

“Of course I would like to have a meal with a beauty reporter, but I’ll have a treat.” Ye Feng said naturally.

“Then I’m not welcome!” Zhang Yutong said with a mischievous smile, as if after work, she changed from a capable career beauty to a girl next door.

However, just as the two were walking side by side to leave the police station, Zhang Yutong suddenly received a call, and Hua Rong suddenly turned pale.

“What, Xiaoxue is missing?” Zhang Yutong’s voice was incredulous, and he was obviously panicked to the extreme.

After putting down the phone, Zhang Yutong completely lost his square inch.

Ye Feng asked with concern: “What happened, can I help?”

Li Yutong suddenly woke up and grabbed Ye Feng’s arm, as if grabbing a life-saving straw.

“My sister Li Xuetong has disappeared. She was supposed to study at home. I don’t know when she disappeared. No one answered her phone calls. My mother has already called some of her good friends and said she didn’t see her. It’s been more than 3 hours now, what should I do!”

In a hurry, Li Yutong spoke a little incoherently.

But Ye Feng also heard a general idea, it was nothing more than her sister went out by herself and didn’t come back for several hours.

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