Chapter 146

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Ye Feng has been observing Li Fen’s expression.

Although Li Fen was anxious, there was no guilty conscience in his expressions or actions.

And it seems that because she usually gets along well with the deceased, her expression is still a bit sad, which can’t be hidden.

“Then do you know that Wang Xiuhua went home after the clothing store closed that day?” Ye Feng continued to ask.

“We separated after closing the store, and I don’t know where she went.”

Ye Feng nodded, “Okay, if you can think of something suspicious or strange, please tell us in time.”

After leaving Li Fen’s house, Wang Hongliang leaned forward and whispered, “How is she, is she suspicious?”

Ye Feng shook his head. At least from the information so far, Li Fen has no possibility of committing a crime.

Afterwards, they rushed to Wang Xiuhua’s house without stopping. Wang Xiuhua was another female salesperson in the clothing store.

It’s almost the same problem, and the rhetoric is almost the same. It seems that Wang Xiuhua has nothing to do with the case.

But in contrast, Wang Xiuhua’s local interpersonal relationship is more complicated.

She has a boyfriend who runs a barber shop in the town, and the two have reached the point of discussing marriage.

“Did you go home straight after get off work that night?” Ye Feng asked Wang Xiuhua, looking directly at Wang Xiuhua’s face.

“Yes, business in clothing stores has been very good recently, so I’m busy all day long and I’m tired, I always go to sleep when I go home!” Wang Xiuhua played with her nails, seemingly replied absent-mindedly.

“What was your boyfriend doing that day? Did you go to see you?” Ye Feng continued to ask.

“He? He must be in his barber shop!” Wang Xiuhua answered naturally.

Ye Feng signaled Wang Hongliang to continue asking questions, while he looked around Wang Xiuhua’s home. Through a person’s living environment, he can and can often have a more comprehensive understanding and judgment of a person.

Compared with Li Fen, Wang Xiuhua is much more fashionable, and her clothes taste is closer to that of urban white-collar workers, and she knows how to match.

Maybe it’s that women in love like to dress up, or maybe she’s always in this style.

Suddenly, Ye Feng noticed a detail.

Wang Xiuhua’s mobile phone is on the desk, it is actually the latest fruit mobile phone.

Ye Feng knows the price of this phone. Even the basic model, the price of this phone, which was just launched two months ago, is 6,000 upwards.

“You take the liberty to ask, you are in Jiang Yi’s clothing store, how much does she pay you a month?” Ye Feng suddenly interjected.

Wang Xiuhua glanced at Ye Feng, and seemed strange to Ye Feng’s problem.

“The basic salary is 1,500, and the remaining 2% is based on sales. You sell 1,000 yuan of clothes for 20 yuan. The clothing retail industry is almost like this. On average, I can get about 3,000 yuan a month.”

Ye Feng frowned slightly.

A salary of around 3,000 is actually roughly the average income. If you count and have to pay for your own insurance, then the actual disposable income is less than 3,000.

At this level of income, I actually use a fruit phone.

It would take her at least two months’ salary to buy a mobile phone like this.

Very suspicious!

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said as if he was homely: “Your phone is really good. When it first went on the market, you might not be able to buy it if you had money, because there were not so many goods.”

When Wang Xiuhua heard Ye Feng mention her mobile phone, a smile appeared on her face.

“My husband just bought it for me the day before yesterday. He said it was a birthday present for me.” Wang Xiuhua suddenly gave everyone a mouthful of dog food.

“Then your relationship is really good, I wish you happiness!” Ye Feng smiled, but suddenly his style changed, “By the way, does your boyfriend make money by opening a barber shop? I have a nephew who doesn’t want to go to school, too. I want to learn how to haircut, but I don’t know if there is a future in doing this.”

Wang Xiuhua didn’t realize that Ye Feng was playing with her, and complained a little: “If you don’t make any money at all, if you get rid of the money for renting a house, there will be no less than 20,000 or 30,000 left in a year. I am afraid that I will have a hard time with him in the future. NS!”

Ye Feng’s expression changed slightly. If Wang Xiuhua’s boyfriend’s income is not high, he would dare to spend so much money to buy a fruit phone for his girlfriend?

After leaving Wang Xiuhua’s house, Ye Feng looked through the police car once again to look at the previous question from Wuhai Squadron to Wang Xiuhua’s boyfriend. 0…

Wang Xiuhua’s boyfriend is Liu Xingyu, who is the same age as Wang Xiuhua and is also a local.

Judging from the inquiry record, Liu Xingyu even had an alibi that day.

That night, Liu Xingyu closed the shop at around 8 o’clock and kept playing games in the shop. The owners of several nearby shops can testify.

Wang Xiuhua can also prove that her boyfriend loves to play games and his level is pretty good.

However, Ye Feng noticed one detail. The owner of the hardware store next to the barbershop wanted to cut his hair that night. He obviously saw Liu Xingyu playing games in it, but no matter how he called the door, Liu Xingyu just couldn’t open it, and finally had no choice but to leave. .

Back on the street in the center of the town, I found Liu Xingyu’s barber shop directly. Ye Feng was going to continue to inquire about something.

However, before entering the door of the barber shop, Ye Feng suddenly stopped, his eyes sharpened.

Looking at it from the doorway, apart from the haircut room, there is also a compartment inside, which should be where Liu Xingyu rests when nothing happens.

A computer desk is placed in the compartment, and a monitor is placed on the computer desk, and the monitor faces the outside of the door.

Looking at this arrangement, Ye Feng couldn’t help but have a strong suspicion when thinking about the results of the previous inquiry.

As if a line has been formed in my mind, connected together!

Without entering the barber shop, Ye Feng turned around and took a few puzzled people back into the car.

“A Feng, why don’t you go in?” Wang Hongliang asked strangely.

Before Ye Feng could answer, Luo Yang next to him smiled and said, “Police Officer Ye Feng must have thoughts. I think you are starting to suspect Liu Xingyu?”

Ye Feng nodded. From his analysis, Liu Xingyu is indeed very suspected of committing the crime.

“Officer Luo, please contact the telecommunications company to retrieve the call records of Liu Xingyu and Wang Xiuhua. The focus is on the day of the incident.”

“In addition, check Liu Xingyu’s relatives and social relationships to see if there is anyone close to Liu Xingyu in size.”

“Do these two things as soon as possible, I need results!”

Ye Feng decisively confronted Luoyang.

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