Chapter 162

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In the lobby on the first floor of the Criminal Investigation Brigade, a large white board has been hung up.

The above is divided into four lines, and the names of the four criminal investigation squadrons are written in front of this line.

This is the blue sword action that Zhao He deliberately prepared.

The purpose is to make the four criminal investigation squadrons rush forward. No one wants their squadron to perform the worst. It must be desperately fighting against illegal and criminal activities.

Although the work content of each squadron is different and it is impossible to conduct specific and quantitative assessments, everyone actually has a general measurement standard in their minds.

It’s like petty theft on the street can’t be compared with a big case, but if you catch dozens of pickpockets, your performance will definitely be more outstanding than catching a big crime.

However, no one expected that after seeing this piece of everything, Ye Feng directly added the fifth line on it, and solemnly wrote the name of the special operations team!

The special operations team is also the criminal investigation force of the Criminal Investigation Brigade. Why can’t they come out and compete together?

Even if the police officers of the four criminal investigation squadrons are several times that of the special operations team, who says that if there are fewer people, there must be no results?

Now is the time for the special 04 action team to shine the sword!

He wants to use the actual actions of the special operations team to tell everyone that they are the sharpest knives of the Criminal Investigation Brigade.

After writing down the name of the special operations team, Ye Feng went back to the office and called out all five police officers in the team and called under the whiteboard.

Ye Feng didn’t speak, just pointed his finger at the line he had just added.

The six big characters of the “Special Operations Team” that are not particularly beautiful but sharp, just like morning bells and evening drums, hit everyone’s ears directly, and the deafening shock is in the bottom of my heart!

At that moment, they finally felt the unique pride in Ye Feng’s heart!

Everyone was enthusiastic, and there was no need for Ye Feng to say anything. Looking at the name of the special operations team above, the sense of responsibility and the endless sense of honor made their expressions become sacred unconsciously.

It seems that everyone has undergone a transformation at that moment, becoming different from before!

Then, everyone seemed to be a sharp blade out of his body, with an unstoppable momentum.

At this moment, the combat power that the special operations team can erupt has absolutely reached an unattainable peak!

Zhao He, who saw this scene at the door of the office, couldn’t help but stirred up with blood, and he knew that his choice was not wrong!

Ye Feng’s talent in solving crimes will definitely make him a legend in the criminal investigation world, and now Ye Feng can bring out a group of screaming soldiers, sprinkle seeds to the ground, and harvest a future. It seems that that is more important!

All the police officers of the Criminal Investigation Brigade who saw this scene have gradually realized how terrifying this special operations team is.

Perhaps, just like the original intention of their establishment, they will become the sharpest knives of the Criminal Investigation Brigade!


Soon, the second operation of the special operations team came!

There was a burglary in the smelting and construction staff community, and the same household was stolen twice in a row.

After reporting to the police, the police station and the criminal investigation squadron of the sub-bureau sent people to investigate, but they were never able to locate the suspected burglary.

In the context of Operation Blue Sword, this criminal act is definitely a key attack.

Zhao He directly appointed a special operations team to take charge of this burglary.

Ye Feng didn’t pick it. Although the special operations team now needs to handle a difficult case to continue to boost morale, the protection of the lives and property of the people is the most important thing.

In the face of the interests of the masses, there is no choice for you, just rush upwards!

Jinfeng stayed behind in the brigade, so as not to have no one at home when he needed to communicate and coordinate with other departments under the special circumstances.

Ye Feng took the other four police officers and went straight to the community where the crime occurred.

Contacting the policemen who handled the case before, Ye Feng needs to grasp the clues and information they found during the site investigation.

After seeing the male host of this family, perhaps the male host saw that the police officer who came to handle the case was definitely more professional than before, so he took Ye Feng’s hand and didn’t let it go, crying and complaining.

“I just moved here last month and found that no security windows are installed in this community, so I installed one just for safety!”

“As a result, this thief only stole my house, and left a note saying that you can pretend if no one else pretends. Is there still the minimum trust between people?”

“So I took this security window off!”

“As a result, people in the community heard that my home was stolen, so they all installed security windows!”

“Then I was stolen again!”

“Leave me a note and say, everyone pretends that you don’t pretend, do you look down on him…”

“Police officer, tell me, is he still a human?”

“It’s so difficult for me!”


The host may be so heart-warming, he almost burst into tears when he talked about it.

Ye Feng and several police officers were also dumbfounded.

What is this so called?

This thief is also true. You steal a security window, and you steal it without a security window.

If you are co-authoring, you will look for this one, right?

The key thief still left a note. Isn’t this deliberately annoying!

Speaking of it, Ye Feng has cracked two consecutive burglaries after joining the work, and it seems that the suspects are not normal!

An owner who got home early was blocked at home, and was discovered by Ye Feng because of bad feet;

One actually ate spicy strips at the owner’s house, and the fallen spicy strips was exposed;

And now this one still leaves a note in the owner’s house to irritate people;

Are you a little too free when you commit crimes?

Ye Feng couldn’t help but patted the male host on the shoulder and comforted him: “Don’t worry, we must catch the burglar, and then you will have the opportunity to write a note on him, how about?”

Hearing this, the host stopped crying instantly.

“Then I will write-if no one else steals anything, you steal something and deserve to be caught!”

Ye Feng’s expression couldn’t help being a little weird, feeling that the male host didn’t seem to care much about losing things, but instead cared more about leaving a note about the thief.

Now that there is a chance to go back again, the male host will not be sad in an instant!

It was a bit dumbfounding. Ye Feng wondered why the suspects and victims he met seemed abnormal?

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