Chapter 245

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The call is connected!

At that moment, it felt a bit scary!

The woman almost screamed!

Someone actually answered the phone!


Because the speakerphone was turned on, Ye Feng could hear clearly from the side, and an impatient voice of a man came from the other end of the phone.

"Why are you going home?"

"Do you know that I am about to cry blindly here?"

"Do you know that I almost jumped to the river to die in love!"

"You bastard, my old lady won't live with you!-"

"See you tomorrow morning at the Civil Affairs Bureau!"

The woman is completely crazy!

She never thought that her husband would actually go home!

What am I like crying here, you actually ran home to rest by yourself?

I can't live this day!

As the woman lost control of her emotions, the man on the other end of the phone was obviously panicked, explaining constantly, and said that she was coming over soon to let her calm down.

Ye Feng didn't know how to persuade him. All he could do was to guard against an emotional woman suddenly jumping into the river.

Presumably, she really can't swim, otherwise she would have jumped down to save someone earlier!

But fortunately, even if the couple is quarrelsome, at least not killed, this is a blessing in misfortune.

As for whether the couple should divorce or not, that is their own business. Ye Feng, an outsider, has no say.

When couples have conflicts, the police station can mediate, but when the divorce is reached, the police station can't mediate. They have to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

After the phone hung up, the woman squatted there, crying.

Ye Feng estimated that she might not be so angry. The main reason was that she was frightened, thinking that her husband had committed suicide!

Soon, a man came, ran wild and hugged the woman, and then became two people crying bitterly.

Ye Feng scratched his head, seemingly okay!

"Well, can you bother me to make a transcript and sign for me?" Ye Feng saw that the two really didn't mean to stop. Ye Feng could only interrupt the cathartic couple in a slanderous manner.

After all, a police visit is not a trivial matter, so records are required.

When the woman heard Ye Feng's words, she wiped her face, and couldn't help but blank out her husband, and then began to record with the pen provided by Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng looked at the man funny.

He really admired this man.

This brain hole and brain circuit is also a thief!

Just quarrel if you quarrel, even jumping into the river!

Jumping into the river scared his wife so hard, and then dived and ran home to watch TV...

Do not clean up like this, keep it for the New Year?

Although it looks like the couple is all right now, it is estimated that going back to the washboard must be indispensable.

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