Chapter 78

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It is easy to retrieve the monitoring. The time is determined, the location is determined, and the progress bar of the video is pulled, and the video of that section is quickly found.

Even if there is no super dynamic vision, such a clear video will never make Ye Feng a little confused.

The reality is very clear in the video. Just now the middle-aged woman was holding a dog in the middle of the road to make a phone call. At this time, the girl passed by, and there was about two meters between the two.

At this time, the medium-sized dog led by the middle-aged woman suddenly swooped at the girl without warning, and the rope was also about two meters away.

The girl was caught off guard and was bitten in her calf. The middle-aged woman also noticed the abnormality and immediately pulled the dog away.

It’s such a process.

The truth is revealed!

Ye Feng raised his head and looked at the middle-aged woman seriously.

“Didn’t you keep saying that she will get your dog bitten only if she teases you?” Ye Feng’s questioning tone was already a bit harsh.

Although the middle-aged woman can’t stand up in the face of the facts, she still looks indifferent, “My dog ​​doesn’t bite people. I don’t know why it is like this. Maybe something is not recorded by the surveillance system.” !”

Ye Feng didn’t want to talk nonsense with her, and directly followed the case-handling process.

“Now the facts are unequivocal, your dog bit her.”

“This is a civil dispute. You can negotiate compensation by yourself. If you reach an agreement, just sign a settlement.”

The middle-aged woman immediately rushed to speak again, “I’ll take her to get a rabies vaccine, okay?”

Ye Feng can’t help but want to roll his eyes, some aunts, you really can’t afford it!

The Tort Liability Law clearly stipulates that if the animal raised causes damage to others, the animal breeder or manager shall bear civil liability.

Regarding the scope of compensation, it not only covers medical expenses and medical expenses. If the victim misses work due to injury, he must also compensate for lost work expenses and transportation expenses.

The police station has dealt with many dog ​​bites before. If the injury is not serious, usually the dog owner will compensate the victim about 500 on the basis of the medical expenses.

Of course, the most important thing is that the dog owner needs a solemn apology.

But looking at the attitude of middle-aged women, I am afraid that the money that can be used for rabies vaccine is already at the limit.

So Ye Feng couldn’t help but shook his head, feeling his brain hurt.

If the girl is magnanimous and may not need compensation, then the problem is better solved, but if the girl insists on disagreeing with the terms of the settlement, then Ye Feng can only issue relevant certificates, and then the girl goes to the court to sue.

But the problem is that it is impossible to go to the court for such a small amount of compensation!

She turned her head and asked the girl, “Do you have any claims for compensation 々‖?”

The girl has been wronged all the time, and now finally proves herself, red eyes and said: “I need her to apologize to me, be responsible for my medical expenses and missed work expenses, and compensate me 1,000 yuan.”

Seeing the girl clenching her teeth, Ye Feng understood her mood quite well.

Suddenly bitten by a dog, and then slandered by the dog owner, it’s not annoying.

However, even if Ye Feng did not ask about this condition, he knew that middle-aged women would not agree to it.

Sure enough, the girl’s voice just fell off, and the middle-aged woman immediately got excited.

“Dream you!”

“Just get a bite by a dog, you will get 1,000!”

“Why don’t you want a house?”

“You die this heart, don’t even think about it!”

Judging from the attitude of middle-aged women, Ye Feng knew that the mediation would definitely be fruitless.

From the perspective of a normal person, he hates the behavior of middle-aged women, but as a law enforcement officer, he must handle disputes on the basis of strict compliance with laws and regulations.

“We can only mediate in civil disputes. If you can’t reach an agreement, then you can go to the court for civil litigation.”

As soon as Ye Feng finished speaking, he saw the smug expression of the middle-aged woman, as if he had expected it.

The girl kept gritting her teeth and asked Ye Feng in a low voice, “How do I need to sue?”

Ye Feng nodded and replied: “I will issue you the supporting documents, and then you will take the supporting documents to a law firm that can provide legal aid. The lawyer will help you solve the problem, and the lawyer will not charge you.”

The girl remembered Ye Feng’s words in her heart, her expression always stubborn.

However, at this time, the middle-aged woman was dissatisfied and yelled at Ye Feng.

“What do you mean, policeman?”

“Do you look at her when she is young?”

“You actually instigated her to sue me?”

“Believe it or not, I complained to you?”

Ye Feng turned his head, frowned, and said coldly: “`~The mediation of civil disputes failed. It is her business that she will not sue you in the future, but now I need to check your dog pass! Please go home immediately Get the relevant breeding certificates.”

The middle-aged woman stopped abruptly, and then raised her voice: “The dog ID is not usually used at all. I forgot where I left it!”

“It doesn’t matter if you can’t find it. Provide the name of the breeder and the police station can find it.” The dog permits are all handled at the police station, and files are kept in the system.

“My dog ​​permit is in the process of being issued, but it hasn’t been done yet!” The middle-aged woman thought about it for a while and immediately changed her rhetoric.

Ye Feng looked at her coldly, “Do you really think that your repeated lie does not interfere with the execution of official duties?”

“Have your dog applied for a dog permit?” Ye Feng’s yelling was already filled with anger.

“Isn’t I out of time? If I had time, I would have gone to apply for the certificate!” The middle-aged woman still made a strong statement.

Ye Feng also (Li Qianhao) stopped talking nonsense, and declared righteously to the middle-aged woman: “According to the Interim Provisions on Dog Raising, if you are suspected of raising a dog in violation of the rules, we will temporarily detain your dog according to law, and then please You will pick up your dog at the dog shelter within ten days and accept the punishment.”

The middle-aged woman jumped her feet when she heard the words, as if she had been stepped on her tail.

“No, you can’t take it away!”

“Don’t think I don’t know the law, the police have no right to take my dog ​​away!”

“If you dare to do it, I will call the police and say you rob!”

Ye Feng frowned, and shouted a warning: “Please don’t obstruct law enforcement, otherwise I have the right to take coercive measures.”

Then, Ye Feng reached out to take the dog leash.

But at this moment, the middle-aged woman seemed to be irritated, pushed Ye Feng violently, and reached out to grab Ye Feng’s face.

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