Chapter 105

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At this time, Wang Mingtao was no longer the husband-in-law who arrogantly reprimanded Li Bin just now.

If time can come back, let Wang Mingtao treat Li Bin as his father.

The atmosphere in the whole box was very strange, mainly because what happened before us shocked everyone too much.

Li Bin never thought that his old husband would pose such a low posture.

But apart from the shock, don’t mention how happy it is!

It seems that the depression accumulated for so many years is released at this moment, from the head to the toe!

Although he is still the director of a small police station, the billionaire worth of billions is working under him.

If you want to get supplier qualifications and supply contracts, your old man has to come to your own subordinate.

But at this time, his subordinates have immense respect for him!

Li Bin now finally knows why the son-in-law on the Internet is so popular, and everyone has the same feelings as him, and he wants to make his father-in-law and mother-in-law be respectful!

However, although his father-in-law looks down on him, he still has a very good relationship with his wife, so he can’t really ignore this affection.

And it is estimated that after this time, Lao Zhangren should no longer look down upon himself.

After all, I have been busy with work for so many years and neglected to care for the family. What can I do to make up for the family!

Therefore, it is better to help the old man to obtain the qualification of the supplier of the Hebin Group.

But now Li Bin doesn’t know how to speak.

Bao Renzhi is a personal spirit, and he has a clear understanding of the relationship between several people, and he hastened to stand up to make ends meet.

“President Wang, I have to criticize you. There is a policeman at home. It is such a glorious thing. Why don’t you take it seriously? You really have to reflect on it when you go back.”

“Li Suo, I have admired the police most since I was a child, and I am glad to meet you today.”

“Ye Dong, you think this is good. I make an exception and add Mr. Wang’s company to our supplier system. I believe Mr. Wang has such a police son-in-law who is subtly and will be an honest boss. , Our Riverside Group is also willing to do business with honest people.”

After he said something, Ye Feng looked at Bao Renzhi really high, and a few light words eased the atmosphere and solved all the problems.

Ye Feng naturally would not really let Bao Renzhi suppress Wang Mingtao’s company. In that case, it would be difficult for Li to stay at home.

Under everyone’s attention, Ye Feng smiled lightly and said:

“It’s up to you to decide Xiao Bao!”

“Hebin Group has young talents like you, it is the luck of Hebin Group.”

“Oh, by the way, remember to say hello to your uncle for me.”

Although Ye Feng’s tone is very calm, the difference in identity makes everyone feel the atmosphere of a big boss.


In the end, everyone was happy after a meal.

Bao Renzhi and Ye Feng exchanged contact information and left happily.

Obviously, being able to make good contact with the group’s second largest shareholder is also very helpful to his development in the group;

Wang Mingtao left with great gratitude, even if he was a bit embarrassed today, but relying on his son-in-law to become a supplier of the Hebin Group, he will definitely make a lot of money in the future;

Li Bin felt that he was light and light, and there would be no pressure at home in the future. Don’t talk about making things difficult for the old man, he might be regarded as a bodhisattva.

All the police officers of Wanshuihe Police Station watched a big show today, which is more interesting than a movie;

Just because Wang Mingtao bought it, and don’t know when he will settle the bill, Ye Feng doesn’t bother to say anything.

“Shall I take you home?” Ye Feng and Li Yanfei walked side by side when the other colleagues took a step forward with interest.

But as soon as he spoke, Ye Feng smiled dumbly, as if it was unnecessary.

It is said that Li Yanfei’s rich father is simply a pet girl, and he is even more worried that his precious girl will be cheated by a stinky kid, so in this case, he will definitely come to pick up Li Yanfei.

“I don’t mind if you send me home, but you have to pass my dad’s level first.” Li Yanfei smiled, “When he was young, he was a provincial champion.”

Ye Feng couldn’t help but a black line appeared on his forehead, and he was convinced of the old man Li Yanfei.

Sure enough, his father’s Cullinan stopped outside the restaurant within a short while. When Ye Feng and Li Yanfei walked past side by side, Ye Feng clearly saw her father staring at his death through the car window. ……

However, Ye Feng still understands this mentality. If he has a daughter in the future, the thought that his Shui Lingling Chinese cabbage that has been raised for many years will be eaten by someone else’s pig.

After bidding farewell to Li Yanfei, Ye Feng returned home and lay on the sofa and entered the system directly.

The corpse case took him a lot of brains, and he didn’t count the gains from solving the case.

The capture of the masked thief who steals the electric car allows him to gain 15 justice value and 30w in cash, without any physical or skill rewards;

Then he solved the case of forging official seals and documents, allowing him to reap 20 justice points and 40w cash, and the system also rewarded swimming skills;

I have to say that the swimming skills are still very satisfactory to Ye Feng.

Because I grew up in the north, I basically didn’t have the opportunity to play in the water when I was young.

Even if you learn to swim at the police academy, you can only guarantee that you won’t drown in the water, and you can’t talk about skills at all.

And now, after gaining the swimming skills, Ye Feng feels like a little white dragon in the waves. Now if he jumps into the water, a medley is no problem.

And the real reward is the corpse case.

The justice value alone is rewarded with 300 and 500w in cash.

What makes Ye Feng most happy is that the system also rewards him for his proficiency in field surveying.

This is the most important knowledge system in criminal investigation.

If you can’t investigate crime scenes, what’s your criminal police name?

Of course, Ye Feng originally had a reserve of knowledge in this area, but what he learned at school would not be of much use if he couldn’t integrate it well with reality.

In the previous cases, Ye Feng used his way of thinking to win. The work of investigating the scene was done by other colleagues in the task force.

Now, if Ye Feng is allowed to appear on the scene, then he is absolutely confident to do better than anyone else, and will never let any useful clues be missed on the scene.

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