Chapter 156

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Ye Feng has always been a hateful person, and he will not let go of any criminals he might capture.

But he knows better that the child is innocent!

Strict law enforcement is a requirement, but under special circumstances, it may not be impossible to enforce the law warmly.

Although Ye Feng did not immediately arrest Dong Dahai, which may cause some accidents, Ye Feng is more willing to believe in the best side of human nature.

Ye Feng is willing to believe that Dong Dahai will not run wild in front of his children, because he loves his children and hopes that he can have an upright father image in the eyes of his children.

If Dong Dahai really fled in front of the child, then he would not be worthy of being a father.

At this time, the door of the noodle restaurant was pushed open. Zhao Daqi just watched outside the door for a while and found that there was no emergency before he came in slowly.

Ye Feng calmly gestured to the two of them, and then pointed to the noodles on the table next to them.

“Eat quickly, it will be cold in a while!”

Zhao Daqi and Wang Hongliang had already seen Dong Dahai at this time and recognized that he was the wanted man they were going to round up this time, but they didn’t understand why Ye Feng didn’t immediately arrest Dong Dahai.

Ye Feng snarled in the direction of the little boy and gave them two answers.

This time, they understand!

Can’t help but frown slightly, Ye Feng’s choice made them a little bit wondering what to do.

This is a question of choice.

There is definitely nothing wrong with arresting people directly, and no one can say that they are wrong!

But this hurts a child too much.

But if you wait, something happens suddenly, what should I do?

The Criminal Investigation Brigade arranged such a big scene to arrest him. If he ran away, all the work would be useless.

Ye Feng also understood their concerns, but he was absolutely sure that even if Dong Dahai had tricks, he would never escape his palm.

After giving them another look that made them feel relieved, Ye Feng sat there, smiling and watching the little boy eating noodles.

Listening to Dong Dahai’s talk with his son, I really can’t see that he has a history of deliberate harm.

Soon, Dong Dahai’s wife came, her eyes were red when she entered the door, and she put her arms around her son, almost crying into tears.

Ye Feng couldn’t stand the scene very much, and knew that it couldn’t be delayed for too long, so he stretched out his palm, opened his five fingers, and shook it where Dong Dahai could see it.

five minutes!

I can only give you five more minutes!

Ye Feng has done his best!

But he must control the situation and not let all the police officers’ efforts be wasted.

Dong Dahai nodded calmly, and continued to talk to his wife and son in tears, a sight of tenderness.

Five minutes passed quickly, Dong Dahai firmly hugged his wife and son, then stood up, reluctantly watching his wife and children leave.

The boy looked back three steps at a time. It seemed that every time he wanted to turn around and plunge into his father’s arms, the sadness, let alone Ye Feng, even Zhao Daqi and Wang Hongliang couldn’t stand it.

When Dong Dahai’s wife and wife finally left the noodle shop, Ye Feng was finally relieved.

Looking at Dong Dahai peacefully, Ye Feng’s eyes explained everything.

Dong Dahai also took a few deep breaths, then walked in front of Ye Feng and proactively handed out his hands.

Ye Feng took out the handcuffs and handcuffed Dong Dahai’s hands together.

Although Ye Feng feels that even if he is not handcuffed at this time, he will not run, but the rule is the stipulation that if you catch a wanted criminal, you must be handcuffed.

However, in order to prevent the little boy who might not have gone far from seeing his father being caught, Ye Feng took off his clothes and covered it in front of Dong Dahai, covering his handcuffed hands.

Dong Dahai gave Ye Feng a grateful look, and then followed several police officers into the police car.

In the police car, Zhao Daqi was sitting in the co-driver. Ye Feng and Wang Hongliang sandwiched Dong Dahai on the left and right in the back row. Although it was a bit crowded, it was not too far away from the Criminal Investigation Brigade, so there was no need to build an escort vehicle!

“Police officer, thank you!”

Dong Dahai spoke suddenly, his eyes flushed, and his voice was hoarse with trembling.

Ye Feng understood what he meant.

He didn’t catch him directly in front of his child, and kept him the last decentness in the child’s heart.

Even if the child grows up in the future, the child knows the truth, but at least the child still has a happy and hopeful childhood 0….

It is hard to imagine how much a shadow will be left on his young mind when a child sees his father being taken away.

“The only thing I can do is to make serious reforms in prison, try to reduce the sentence and get out of jail as soon as possible to pay for the children to grow up together. You have already had defects in his growth, so try to make up for it in the future!”

Ye Feng sighed.

If he was not so impulsive at the time, and if he could suppress his anger, maybe he is now playing happily in the amusement park with his children.

Dong Dahai was already crying at this time, tears of regret flowed from his eyes and flowed to his feet.

The arrest operation is over.

All police officers of the Criminal Investigation Brigade rushed back to the Criminal Investigation Brigade one after another.

Although they didn’t gain anything during the round-up process, the work of a police officer is often like this. Even if there is no gain on your side, as long as the round-up is complete, the suspect will not be able to escape.

Therefore, even if Ye Feng caught the wanted criminal this time, it was the collective contribution, not the contribution of Ye Feng alone.

It’s just that everyone’s eyes looking at Ye Feng are still full of weirdness.

Why didn’t others meet the wanted criminal, but Ye Feng did?

Does he really have a strong magnetic field on the suspects, attracting the suspects to come to him one by one?

Although Ye Feng’s true criminal investigation ability has been admired by everyone, they know that if they solve the case, they will not be able to catch up with Ye Feng.

But it is undeniable that to some extent, Ye Feng’s luck is also against the sky.

Many suspects who were brought back by Ye Feng didn’t need Ye Feng to be too strenuous. They felt as if they were delivered to Ye Feng.

Just like this time, so many police officers from the Criminal Investigation Brigade were working together to deploy and control, as well as a small team dedicated to arresting them. The momentum has been so great that it has been rare in recent years.

But the shadow of so many people connecting with the wanted criminal was not seen, and in the end, it happened that Ye Feng brought the wanted criminal back.

You are not convinced!

It seems that the name Ye Feng Lao Xian is not so suitable anymore!

He should be called the son of luck!

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