Chapter 172

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It doesn’t matter who is a demon, the ending is doomed.

At the end of the interrogation, the same series of evidence were handed over to the internal police officers. The follow-up work no longer needs to be completed by the special operations team.

In principle, the special operations team completed the detection of another case.

It’s just that this time the case didn’t cost them too much energy. They just walked through the process and brought back the suspect.

And because of the particularity of the case, several people in Ye Feng felt a little depressed.

As a result, Ye Feng did not go to the whiteboard to record the outcome of the case.

After having a work meal at noon, Ye Feng originally planned to look through the archives of the past with a few team members to find out if it was possible to change direction and break through.

But at this time, he suddenly received a call from Luo Yang.

“Boss, come to Industrial Street, there is a big fish!” Luo Yang’s voice on the phone was extremely excited.

Ye Feng didn’t hesitate, and took Wang Hongliang and Li Wenle in the car and set off, heading straight to Industrial Street 04.

When he came to Luoyangfa’s location address, Ye Feng found that it was actually a construction bank.

Someone robbed the bank?

Ye Feng couldn’t help but feel excited.

If you really rob the bank, it would be a big case.

This is not a foreign country, and within one year of the whole country, there may not be a case of bank robbery.

As long as such cases happen, they can definitely shock the upper hand.

He didn’t dare to rush in, and through the glass, Ye Feng observed the situation inside.

If the robbers inside were taking hostages and the police broke in suddenly, wouldn’t the hostages be dangerous?

When Ye Feng found out that Luo Yang and the three of them had controlled the situation, they left the bank.

However, what makes Ye Feng a little puzzled is, why are two women dressed as bank employees who are controlled and squatting on the ground holding their heads, and the security guards are also controlled together?

Damn it!

How do you feel that Luo Yang is robbing the bank?

“What’s the matter?” Ye Feng asked in an unbelievable way. He didn’t believe that Luo Yang would rob the bank.

“Boss, you didn’t find it when you came in?” Luo Yang smiled and said to Ye Feng: “You may not believe it, this construction bank is fake!”

Hearing Luo Yang’s words, Ye Feng was stunned on the spot.


What’s the meaning?

He stepped back a few steps, stepped back outside the gate, and looked up, down, left and right.

it’s common!

This is China Construction Bank!

What is fake?

When he walked in again, his expression was full of doubts, and he really didn’t understand what Luo Yang meant.

“Boss, this is not a branch of the Construction Bank at all, but a fake bank created by these guys themselves. It has nothing to do with the Construction Bank.”

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