Chapter 249

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Wang Hongliang got the surveillance video and came back.

They watched the video on the temporary desk.

Suppose the suspect parked his car on the side of the road and went uphill to dig a grave. Even if they had a clear goal and didn’t waste time, the entire grave digging process and the transfer of the remains to other places would also take a lot of time. At least one hour would be unstoppable. of.

This is how they screen suspicious vehicles.

Undoubtedly, monitoring is now a weapon in solving crimes. If there is no monitoring, then police officers don't know how much more work they have to do every day, let alone how many unintelligible unintended crimes will occur every day.

However, Ye Feng and the two team members watched the surveillance for two hours, but they hardly found any suspicious vehicles.

This is a bit embarrassing!

Ye Feng even heard the old lady in the village talk about it when gossip—could it be that the old head Liu felt that he was buried in a bad place and changed his own grave?

Ye Feng is a bit dumbfounded, your feudal superstition is too strong, right?

However, it is not uncommon for old ladies in the countryside to believe these things. The more remote places, the more superstitious legends such as ghosts and gods have a market.

Since the monitoring has not gained much, Ye Feng is going to lead a team to investigate the list provided by Liu's boss and Liu's third.

After all, conflicts may lead to a mentality of revenge, maybe the suspect is among them!

But when Ye Feng was about to lead the action, he suddenly received a call from Liu Yinong.

"Ye Shao, I'm so embarrassed to trouble you because of family affairs!"

"Otherwise, I know your police force is limited. Two employees on my side have always said that they can help, so I will let them go and follow your instructions?"

"When the case is over, I must find some time to thank you."

Although Liu Yinong's tone was not too humble, he probably adjusted his mentality, but he was still careful, for fear of saying the wrong thing to make Ye Feng unhappy.

But Ye Feng didn't care about Liu Yinong's tone at this time, but felt strange because of Liu Yinong's words.

Two of Liu Yinong's employees should also be employees of Hebin Group, right?

A private company is a private company, and employees work hard.

Even if you are ready to greet your superiors, you can't do everything, right?

Actually, because the ancestral grave of the superior’s family was dug, he came to help the police solve the case and find the suspect?

There is no such way of shooting a horse!

If Hebin Group is all such employees, then Ye Feng would doubt how Bao Tianrui made Hebin Group stronger!

Ye Feng snorted and just wanted to refuse, Ye Feng suddenly stopped.

There was a flash of light in his head, and Ye Feng noticed something wrong.

It's not reasonable!

The two subordinate employees are so unusually active, are they really just wanting to slacken their beards?

"Mr. Liu, it would be too much trouble for you. Thank you very much for your support to our work!" After Ye Feng paused, he did not refuse Liu Yinong's favor.

"All right, Shao Ye, I'll let them rush over right away."

Liu Yinong put down the phone in excitement, then looked at the two subordinates standing in front of him and said, "After arriving in Liujiacun, you must listen to Ye Shao's command. If you are disrespectful to Ye Shao, then don't come back!"

The two subordinates nodded excitedly, turned and left Liu Yinong's office, preparing to drive to Liujia Village.

If Ye Feng were here and saw this scene, his pupils would definitely shrink suddenly.

Because these two subordinates happen to be tall and short, fat and thin!

It's alive like Fat Touduo and Thin Touduo!

Ye Feng temporarily put aside the work of continuing the investigation, quietly waiting for the arrival of Liu Yinong's two subordinates.

He really seems to know what kind of strange flowers will be coming in a while!

More than an hour later, Ye Feng met Liu Yinong's two subordinates in Liujiacun.

At that moment, before Ye Feng had any reaction, Wang Hongliang and Li Wenle, who were extremely alert, frowned and looked at each other, exchanging their thoughts with their eyes.

"Hello, Shao Ye!"

The two greeted Ye Feng respectfully. In their opinion, Ye Feng could be regarded as a real big man. Even their immediate superiors and their immediate superiors could only deal with such big ones carefully.

Ye Feng's eyes kept scanning back and forth between the two, his expression became more and more weird.

The two people are about 35 years old, and at first glance, they have been tempered by society and are so sophisticated.

If the two of them did it, what was their purpose?

Is it because Liu Yinong is usually too harsh on his subordinates, and the two of them hold grudges, and then vent their anger?

Shaking his head gently, dispelling these thoughts, Ye Feng is only suspicious, but it is still not certain that the two are the suspects.

"Listen to Mr. Liu, are you willing to come to help?" Ye Feng squinted his eyes and asked in a normal tone.

"Yes, Liu is always our boss. He is usually very good to us. All of our employees are very convinced of Mr. Liu, so we must not stand on the sidelines when encountering things." One of them patted his heart and seemed to be showing loyalty. road.

But Ye Feng didn't have any reaction. There is no need to say this kind of cliché in front of him. Mr. Liu is not here anyway.

"So do you have any ideas now?" Ye Feng asked, squinting his eyes.

Then the two people on the opposite side looked at each other and nodded. One of them stood up and said: "Ye Shao, I'll talk about our ideas. You should criticize what is wrong."

"I think the suspect has dug up the grave of Mr. Liu's grandfather, and he must have a plan."

"But the remains are not easy to save and deal with, so even if the suspect has a plan, he should transfer the remains of Mr. Liu's grandfather to another place for temporary concealment, rather than taking it away for preservation."

"In the case that no suspect can be found in the first half, I think we can shift our target to finding the remains of Grandpa Liu."

"If you can find where the suspect hid the remains, then the matter will be half resolved."

"At least the Liu family can re-bury the remains, which can be regarded as letting the deceased rest in peace."

"As for the suspect, slowly catch it later!"

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