Chapter 86

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Home   Metropolis: My Reasoning Is Too Strong   Chapter 86

Chapter 86

The four gangsters are dumbfounded!

I thought it was just a group of small gangsters who planned to come to the construction site to get some benefits, so just send them away casually.

But they didn’t expect that the four of them were holding knives, but they were thrown down by the opposite person.

What’s more terrifying is that this group of people actually handcuffed themselves with handcuffs.

What does that mean?

It shows that this group is not a gangster at all, but a policeman!

There is no doubt that their affairs were exposed, they were caught by the police, and now they are directly arrested!

But how is this possible?

Even if the girl’s parents call the police, the police should be exhausted following the route they set.

You know, when the extremely powerful policeman first appeared on the construction site just now, they had not told the girl’s parents, the final location of the construction site!

Where is the problem?

They couldn’t figure it out.

Could it be that these policemen did not come for the kidnapping case?

However, Ye Feng’s next sentence completely dispelled the fluke idea.

“Quickly, where is the little girl you kidnapped?”

Ye Feng yelled and asked, for fear that the kidnapper in his hand would not open his mouth, he also twisted the kidnapper’s arm forcefully, causing the kidnapper to let out a scream.

“Don’t screw it, don’t screw it, the girl is inside, there is nothing good!”

Hearing that the little girl was all right, Ye Feng’s heart that had always been hanging was finally relieved, but he went on to ask in a deep voice, “To be honest, how many people are there in your gang?”

“There are only four of us, and they are all here!”

This answer gave Ye Feng another sigh. If there is another kidnapper who is watching over the little girl, then I am afraid that there will be a confrontation next.

At least, he was right!

There are only four kidnappers!

Handing the guy in his hand to Luo Hui, Ye Feng quickly ran towards the direction the kidnappers pointed, and the danger was lifted. He didn’t want the little girl to stay in a fearful environment for even a second.

In a hidden corner, Ye Feng found the little girl who was tied there and gagged her mouth with a cloth.

Seeing the tears on the little girl’s face, Ye Feng felt distressed for a while.

“Zixuan, uncle is here to save you!” Ye Feng rushed over and comforted the struggling little girl: “Don’t be afraid, princesses are brave, because princesses are protected by princes.”

Untie the rope, the little girl threw herself on Ye Feng, crying non-stop, obviously shocked.

Ye Feng hugged the little girl as if he was holding his own child.

“Mom and Dad are outside, you can see them right away.”

“Actually, Zi Xuan, you don’t need to be afraid. You completely treat this as a princess adventure, just like the brave Snow White.”

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