Chapter 93

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The damage assessor is based on the price quoted by the 4s shop standard. The front and rear doors plus the front cabin cover, polished and repainted at the 4s point, plus working hours, this price is not outrageous.

But obviously this price makes the mother and child unacceptable.

So the man came to the car owner and discussed it.

“The quotation of the 4s shop is too high. If it is in the auto repair shop, it may be more than 1,000 yuan. Why do you want the 4s shop to make this money!”

The car owner frowned slightly, glanced at the man, and said dissatisfied: “Why should I go to an outside auto repair shop? Can their craftsmanship be comparable to a 4s shop? My car has always been maintained at the 4s shop, I don’t It might be repaired outside.”

The boy’s father was very angry and raised his voice: “It’s normal for a child to be ignorant. It is normal to make a mistake. He is still a child! Do you still have any sympathy?”

The car owner couldn’t help but glared at him, “You can forgive the child for making a mistake, and I didn’t trouble your son. As a guardian, shouldn’t you compensate?”

Seeing that the car owner disagrees, the boy’s father walked to the front of Fan Jingming and Ye Feng and couldn’t help saying: “You can help me mediate!”

Ye Feng and Fan Jingming couldn’t help but laugh. At this time, they remembered asking us to mediate?

“Sorry, we have completed the determination of civil liability, and the specific compensation needs to be negotiated by you.” Ye Feng said coldly.

However, no one thought that the boy father suddenly broke out.

“How can you bully people!”

With a violent shout, the man stooped to pick up a stone and rowed towards the Magotan. When a few people were surprised and did not react, they rowed the Magotan even harder.

“Anyway, it’s all repairs, I’ll give you a few more shots!”

He vented his anger and made several strokes on the Magotan, including the door with the cabin cover, which was more serious than his son’s.

“Fuck, are you crazy?” The owner scolded with wide-eyed eyes. He felt that what he had encountered was a neurosis.

Ye Feng frowned completely and watched the man throw away the stone in his hand, then took out the handcuffs from his body. If nothing else, he was more than a man.

“You are now suspected of deliberately destroying public and private property, I want to take you back to the police station for investigation!”

Ye Feng’s actions made Fan Jingming not react for the first time, but then immediately realized that the man’s behavior really violated the law.

According to the Public Security Administration Punishment Law, suspected of deliberately destroying property must be subject to public security punishment;

If the amount of deliberate destruction is large or there are other serious circumstances, it shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention.

The larger amount is interpreted as more than three thousand yuan.

The man’s idea just now is that the paint on these parts should be patched up anyway, even if he scratches again, he will patch up the paint again, which has no effect at all.

However, damage to public and private property is not the case.

Even if these parts are scratched, they are still valuable. The behavior of a man’s rowing has caused greater damage to public and private property.

Considering the price quoted by the damage assessor just now, coupled with the fact that the scratches caused by the man involve more parts, it has clearly exceeded the determination of a larger amount.

This means that he not only has to bear civil liability, but he will also be held criminally liable!

The man was tortured, struggling angrily, cursing incessantly.

“What are you doing to catch me?”

“It’s irrational, isn’t it?”

“Hurry up and let it go to me!”

The old lady was obviously irritated, and she rushed towards Ye Feng with a voice of “Ow”, and she reached out to hit Ye Feng.

However, Fan Jing obviously wouldn’t let her succeed, and reached out to stop her stubbornly.

“Warning, if you intend to hinder the execution of official duties, I will handcuff you too!”

Ignoring the old lady sitting on the ground crying and crying, Ye Feng and Fan Jingming told the owner a few words, and then escorted the man back to the police station.

They are responsible for catching criminals. As for what kind of punishment the criminals will be punished, that is the matter of the court.

Ye Feng glanced at the man expressionlessly, only four words appeared in his heart-blame yourself!

Although the whole thing was caused by the bear kids riding a car, in the final analysis, they failed to educate their children.

Or, the lack of education has started since the previous generation, because the old lady failed to educate his son well.

The result is that the problem that could be solved by compensation, now that he is sent to prison by himself, what can Ye Feng say?

It seems that his rowing is not a big deal, but the law is the law and it is sacred.

You break the law, whether you know it intentionally or whether you know that what you did violated the law, you have to pay the price.


In the evening, it was Ye Feng’s turn to be on duty.

After returning from the street tour, Ye Feng suddenly found that there was a KFC bag on his desk, which contained burgers and chicken wings, and a cup of milk tea.

Ye Feng’s first reaction was not to think about who gave it to himself. His first reaction was that all KFC made milk tea?

Of course he knows who bought it. After all, milk tea is like the secret bond between him and Li Yanfei.

“The police flower is still very caring!” Ye Feng smiled.

Fortunately speaking, there was no police situation all night.

Although Ye Feng likes to solve crimes, he likes to find the truth from simple and blurred clues, and he likes to solve big and important cases, as if this is the real duty of a policeman.

But in fact, the duty of the police is to ensure the safety of people’s lives and property.

No crime is what the police station really wants to pursue!

However, starting in the morning, police conditions began to appear one after another, and the police at the police station began to get busy.

Ye Feng once again separated from Fan Jingming because of frequent police cases and dealt with it alone.

This time, it was still an electric car theft.

Ye Feng had already cracked a series of electric car thefts before. He thought that the electric cars on the whole street should be safe for a while.

But who would have thought that in just a few days, another electric car was stolen!

Why, are second-hand electric cars so popular?

“Police officer, my electric car was parked here last night, and it disappeared when I got up in the morning!”

The owner of the electric car said to Ye Feng anxiously.

However, after Ye Feng observed the on-site environment, it almost exploded in place!

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