Chapter 206

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According to estimates, to achieve such a big result, then how could they themselves suffer a few injuries or even sacrifice a few.

Even if he doesn't want such a tragic thing to happen, there are some sacrifices that you can't avoid, and you need to hesitate.

But now you tell me that you put the gangsters together, and only one person was injured?

Are you all supermen?

This kind of thing cannot be used as a joke!

"You didn't lie to me?" Zhao He asked in disbelief.

Zhao Daqi stretched out his hand and pointed, "Boss, you can count by yourself!"

Zhao He looked at the direction of Zhao Daqi's finger.

Several members of the Second Squadron and the special police squad were controlling the captured culprits, and several members of the Ye Feng special operations team were guarding arms.

Counting it silently in my heart, adding Ye Feng and Zhao Daqi beside him, it is indeed only two people away from the time when the troops were divided.

Obviously Ye Feng sent someone to send the wounded to the hospital, just two people were missing.

No one sacrificed!

At this moment, Zhao He couldn't control his excitement anymore, the pressure suddenly relaxed, and the blood rushed directly to the top of his head.

"Good job!" Zhao He excitedly embraced Ye Feng, his powerful arm slapped Ye Feng behind him, and he almost caught Ye Feng out of breath.

"Boss, let's check the seized arms first." Ye Feng smiled bitterly, and then took the picture again. I really couldn't help it.

Zhao He then came to a sudden, quickly let go of Ye Feng, and started to check the captured arms.

And when the two boxes were opened, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

These two criminal gangs are too frantic.

It’s that Ye Feng estimated that their transaction volume would not be small, but he was still stunned by the scene in front of him.

With so many arms and weapons, even if thousands of people are armed, it is enough!

If it is said that they intend to sell arms abroad, if they do things in China, then the consequences are really unimaginable.

"If I remember correctly, this is definitely the largest arms case in the country!" Zhao He couldn't help being dumbfounded. He realized that they might be famous all over the country!

Ye Feng realized that the cases where the system had to give clues were not ordinary cases.

Anyone who sees so many munitions can't help but feel frustrated!

God knows how much damage these arms will bring to the people's happy and stable life.

Zhao He had slowly recovered his composure, and began to command the team members to finish quickly, and then the large force returned to the Criminal Investigation Brigade in mighty force.

Needless to say, this kind of big case that was enough to stir up the whole country made all the heads and brains of the city bureau uneasy, and they all waited in the yard of the criminal investigation brigade.

Needless to say, this astonishing amount of munitions has made the tried and tested them also bursts of incredible.

Like Zhao He, the director of the city bureau, Zhou Mingui, heard that they had achieved such a great result, but there were almost no casualties, which was beyond shock.

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