Chapter 149

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When Liu Xingyu, the suspect in the cut-throat case, was escorted away in a special vehicle by the task force, Yuehe Town almost set off firecrackers to send off.

God knows how panicked this town has been these days!

When he left, Yang Feng ignored Zhao Daqi, who was always deliberately turning around him with a smug look. His gaze stayed on Ye Feng and moved with him.

In this short day of contact with Ye Feng, Yang Feng was really convinced of Ye Feng, the legendary enchanting police officer!

He never felt that he was worse than anyone else, especially not worse than Zhao Daqi.

But today, he finally understands the truth that there are people outside the world.

Perhaps in terms of experience, Ye Feng can’t compare with their old criminal investigators.

But in terms of open thinking, jumping and careful reasoning and analysis, it is not too much to say that he has a super powerful brain.

They can directly reason out the whole process when the case is plain and blurred, at least, they can’t do this.

Yang Feng realized that he and his Wuhai Squadron might have gone wrong!

It is true that they have good professional skills and strong combat effectiveness, but compared with Ye Feng, there is a huge gap in their thinking.

It’s even as if Ye Feng is a brain, and they are just hands that execute the instructions of the brain!


It seems that it must be changed!

Working in one mode for a long time has made their thinking rigid.

They must also strengthen their capabilities in this area.

Yang Feng made up his mind that the focus of future work must be tilted in this direction.


at the same time

Office building of Criminal Investigation Brigade.

Zhao He sat in his office with uncontrollable contentment on his face, and he almost sang Peking Opera Shajiabang in a good mood.

It’s no wonder that Zhao He is in such a good mood, it is really that his second criminal investigation squadron gives him too much face.

The throat-cutting case that was raging in Wuhai District a few days ago was first carried out by the police station and then by the Criminal Investigation Squadron of the Wuhai Sub-bureau. After several days of investigations, there was still no clue.

It was precisely because the incident was so violent that the Municipal Bureau had no choice but to set up a special case team to let the Criminal Investigation Brigade send its backbone forces to help solve the case.

Often such cases with few clues are the most difficult to break. Originally, Zhao He thought that even if Zhao Daqi and Ye Feng went on the road, it would be difficult to gain much in a short period of time.

However, Zhao He did not expect that the performance of the second squadron was too strong.

Rao is that he already has a high opinion of Ye Feng, but in the end he found that he still underestimated Ye Feng’s abilities.

The second squadron set off for Wuhai in the morning, and escorted the suspect back to the Criminal Investigation Brigade in the evening. Such efficiency in handling the case is simply shocking.

Zhao He can already imagine the shock of all the police officers of the Wuhai Criminal Investigation Squadron, because they have not personally witnessed Ye Feng’s enchantment, and they can’t hold it!

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