Chapter 74

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Back at the corner bar, Ye Feng quickly removed his makeup and changed his clothes in Azhe’s smirk. He breathed a sigh of relief and felt that he was alive again.

“Don’t be so anxious to remove your makeup!” A Zhe’s voice was very awkward. “You look really good when you are dressed as a woman. Otherwise, you can be a model for our bar. Take some pictures and zoom in and hang them in the bar. Make the bar business so hot!”

Ye Feng’s mouth twitched slightly, and then he showed a devilish smile.

“You think I will pull your hands over and put your hands on the chair now, and then make you look better than Xi Tzu, then the customers who come tomorrow will be crazy too, don’t you think?”

The expression on Azhe’s face solidified in an instant, and after a long while he smiled wryly, “Well, I think the business is pretty good now, so I don’t need to be more popular.”

Ye Feng finally gave A Zhe a fierce look before turning around and leaving the corner bar.

A Zhe looked at Ye Feng’s back, but a smirk suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Take out his mobile phone from his pocket and click on the video to play. The above is the scene of Ye Feng when he was pretending to be a female waiter.

“Small, let’s see if you will call you Dad in the future! Hahaha!”

A Zhe looked up to the sky and roared, as if he had won the whole world.


Back to the police station, the interrogation of the suspect has been intensively started. This case has tortured everyone for a long time, and everyone wants to close the case as soon as possible.

However, when Ye Feng walked in, he found that everyone looked at him very strangely, as if he had forgotten to put on his own clothes.

Ye Feng looked down at these strange eyes and looked a little hairy. He thought he was in a hurry when changing clothes just now, and there was still a female dress on his body that he didn’t change!

If so, it would be too embarrassing!

However, after checking, Ye Feng didn’t find anything wrong, so it was strange.

What do your eyes mean?

However, Ye Feng, who was eager to participate in the interrogation of the suspect, also refused to ask why, and went straight into the interrogation room.

But the police officers in the city bureau who were still busy working overtime laughed at the same time.

“Just now the legendary evildoer trainee policeman, right?”

“That’s right, it’s the police station intern where it is said that the suspect can be picked up by going out.”

“Just now, the people in the task force said that he was the one who made the suspects get the bait when he was dressed up as a woman, and that he looked like a fairy after he was dressed up as a woman.”

“Although it may be a bit watery, since it can make the suspect hook, it must be pretty good.”

“I want to see it! I want to see it!”

“Look at a fart, what if you find that he looks better than your girlfriend after putting on makeup!”


I don’t know that the police outside are talking about Ye Feng, and they have found a seat in the interrogation room.

Divergent thinking found the breakthrough direction of the case, and then personally went to the battle to disguise the suspect and complete the capture after getting the bait. Ye Feng can be said to be the number one contributor to the serial homicide.

However, although the suspect’s law of committing the crime was guessed, Ye Feng could not guess the suspect’s motive for committing the crime.

No money, no sex, and no hatred at all, why should he deal specifically with the waitresses in the bar?

Sometimes an in-depth study of the criminal psychology of a criminal will play a certain role in solving the case in the future.

Therefore, Ye Feng is a little impatient.

“Yes, people are killed, all five!” When the suspect named Feng Siyang spoke, everyone was shocked!


He killed five people?

The task force had only merged three homicide cases with obvious common characteristics, so it always thought that he had only three lives in his hands.

But now, Feng Siyang actually said that he killed five people!

How could everyone not be shocked!

“Don’t be surprised, I killed two in the neighboring city!” Feng Siyang said lightly, as if he didn’t kill five people, but just trampled five ants to death.

His indifference to life shocked Ye Feng.

“Why do you want to kill?” Ye Feng took a deep breath, and then asked seriously: “And the targets of the crime are all bar waiters?”

Feng Siyang smiled gloomily, as if Ye Feng asked a ridiculous question.

“Because the barmaid damn it!”

“I used to work in the city, and introduced two girlfriends surprisingly in succession, both of whom are bar waitresses, but they are just like frames and have never been ashamed.”

“When you see small fresh meat, go hook up, and when you see a big money, take the initiative to post it, just like a dog!”

“What are you keeping a woman like this for?”

“So I killed them. If I am not caught, I will continue to kill until the day I can’t lift the hammer.”


In the interrogation room, looking at Feng Siyang, who was already crazy, everyone felt the pores stand up.

What a killer!

He can no longer be described by a normal person!

Perhaps after the first blood on his hands, his madness was out of control.

As he said, if you didn’t catch him this time, then maybe how many people would die under his hammer in the future.

“However, I want to know, how did you guess that I would do it near the corner bar?”

Suddenly, Feng Siyang asked with interest, as if his concern about this matter was more serious than whether he would be sentenced to death.

“I know your police force is not enough, it is impossible to lay ambushes near every bar, so I am very curious how you guessed it!”

“You don’t need to know this question!” Ye Feng snorted coldly. “Maybe being shot with doubts and thinking will make you less boring on the road.”

There is no doubt that of the five lives, only one result is waiting for Feng Siyang.

Walking out of the interrogation room, Ye Feng returned to his temporary behavior and began to pack things up.

The suspect has been arrested and brought to justice, and there is no doubt about the results of the interrogation. The next step is a series of evidence searches. You may even have to go to the city to meet the other two homicide cases with the temporary police and complete the final file.

But these problems don’t need Ye Feng to worry about. The Criminal Investigation Brigade has special personnel to deal with them.

Therefore, Ye Feng is ready to return to the police station.

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