Chapter 116

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Although Wang Hongliang admired the younger brother very much, but a too good younger brother put him under too much pressure.

Don’t talk about meritorious awards. For Wang Hongliang, it is impossible to dream of it.

You can’t even envy people’s second-class skills and first-class skills.

But now even the police rank has been surpassed by Junior Brother.

Wang Hongliang graduated from the police academy. This is the sixth year he has been working, and he is now a second-level superintendent.

It is possible to be promoted to the first superintendent in the normal seventh year.

I originally thought that I was still relying on my high police rank to call my junior brother a “recruit egg”.

However, now he is desperate to find that his police rank is higher than his own!

People are really more dead than people!

Therefore, Wang Hongliang eagerly wanted to prove his abilities in front of the younger brother.

They were all brought out by a master, who is better than whom?

However, Wang Hongliang also wondered in his head, what kind of evil Ye Feng could be taught by Master Fan Jingming?

Yes, it must be because the master is partial and hides private from me…

Ye Feng didn’t know what Wang Hongliang was trying to make up for. It was the first time that he sent a police officer to the serious crime team. He was still very excited.

Burglary, the amount involved can exceed one million, it is really a big case.

In the past, there were news reports about the theft of gold jewelry stores, and hundreds of thousands of things were lost.

Now a family of people can steal millions of things from a thief. What kind of family is this?

Is there a mine at home?

Of course, the Wannian Family is also a high-end community. Although it is not as good as Binhai Yujing, it is definitely a rich man who can buy a house in the Wannian Family.

Soon, the two police cars arrived at the Wannianshijia community and came to the home of the policeman.

Some policemen have set up an isolation zone outside the door at the scene, and even the caller has stayed outside the isolation zone.

“Police, hurry up and look for clues. I lost a lot of things!” A middle-aged woman with a somewhat blessed body was very distressed, as if it was not her finances that was stolen, but her organs.

Ye Feng hadn’t even entered the door, but when he looked in from outside, he felt the aura of a local tyrant coming over his face.

The decoration style of this house is truly magnificent, just like a royal palace.

Put on the gloves and shoe covers, and let the owner wear the gloves and shoe covers, and the group entered the owner’s home to conduct a site survey.

The members of the second squadron are professional and have a clear division of labor. Some take pictures, some capture fingerprints, some look for footprints, and check whether the door locks and windows are damaged…

Ye Feng did not act for the time being, but asked about the situation in more detail.

“When did you discover that your home was stolen?”

“What are the stolen items?”

The middle-aged woman thought for a while and recalled: “It was normal when I went out in the morning. I found something was wrong when I went home just now. As a result, I checked and lost a lot of things.”

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