Chapter 110

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After educating the boy’s mother and uncle a few words, Ye Feng asked them to take the child away.

Fortunately, it was just sent to the wrong kindergarten. If she accidentally lost her child, the mother of the child would be scared to death.

Now it’s a false alarm.

If Ye Feng went back to tell his colleagues what happened just now, they would probably not believe it.

Had it not been for Ye Feng’s own personal experience, he would not have believed it if he was killed.

I couldn’t help but come up with a funny idea in my mind, and I would definitely have to check my brother-in-law if I wanted to find a wife in the future.

By the way, does Li Yanfei have a younger brother?

After sending them away, Ye Feng returned to the commercial pedestrian street and continued to stand on his last guard.

I couldn’t help but be a little puzzled. Why didn’t I reward myself for the police situation I just dealt with?

Although this can’t be regarded as solving the case and fighting criminals, the system also rewarded itself when rescuing the little girl who needed to be rescued before. Why didn’t it this time?

Is it because the police situation itself is not dangerous?

It seems to be the case. Beibeixing Kindergarten found a child who was not in their kindergarten, and it was impossible to throw him out. At most, it would be a little time delay and find a way to find the child’s parents. The child’s safety is still guaranteed.

This is not the case for the little girl who was in urgent need of rescue last time. Time is life, and a later date may be irreversible damage to the little girl.

Ye Feng has gradually figured out the principle of system rewards.

Of course, Ye Feng is not doing things for rewards. Regardless of whether there is system rewards or not, he will face his work with the most enthusiasm, regardless of trivial matters or major cases.

The morning is spent in the pedestrian street.

After lunch, Ye Feng suddenly thought that he could completely walk the area under the jurisdiction of Wanshuihe Police Station on the last day, and finally leave his own footprints.

So he acted immediately, crossing the road from the pedestrian street, and walking around several residential and commercial districts.

Passing by a certain community, Ye Feng will involuntarily recall the cases he has done here.

“I have done a high-altitude parabolic case in this community!”

“I have handled a dog bite case in this community!”

“I drove the little girl to rescue in an emergency at the gate of this community.”

“I’m doing a looting case here.”

It’s all Ye Feng’s own memories.

When Ye Feng walked to the bank of the Wanshui River, Ye Feng remembered the serial theft of electric vehicles.

I feel that every corner of the jurisdiction has left his own figure in handling the case.

Can’t help but feel a little bit sentimental, this kind of parting is indeed emotionally complicated.

But at this moment, Ye Feng suddenly heard a cry for help coming from a short distance ahead.

Owing to his professional vigilance, Ye Feng quickly entered the state and rushed forward.

However, the next screen that entered Ye Feng’s line of sight made Ye Feng unable to help but lose his color in amazement.

I saw a child struggling in the river, floating up and down, crying for help.

And this was not the most shocking. What shocked him the most was that a child on the shore jumped into the river with a “plop” at this time.

While Ye Feng rushed towards the river, he already understood what was happening in his mind——

Two children were playing by the river, one fell into the water accidentally, and the other bravely jumped into the water to rescue his little friend.

I have to say that Ye Feng wants to give the second little boy a thumbs up.

At such a young age, he knew that he was brave and meaningless, and he was definitely a little man.

However, the subsequent development made Ye Feng almost shocked his chin.

The first child who fell into the water continued to struggle;

But the boy who jumped into the water and went to his buddy also joined the ranks of the struggle;

Now it has become two children floating in the river together…

Ye Feng was stunned. Even though his body was still rushing towards the river, his brain seemed to have lost the ability to think.

Why are you jumping down?

Lost in love?

Fortunately, today Ye Feng walked to the Wanshui River like a ghost. Otherwise, the two children would have to sink after a long struggle.

Ye Feng, who rushed to the river at the fastest speed, had no time to throw the explosion-proof gun to the side. He plunged in, and quickly alternated left and right paddling. Almost instantly, he reached the place where the two children fell into the water.

Ye Feng is very thankful. Fortunately, the system has just rewarded him with swimming skills, otherwise he must be dumbfounded now!

Hugging one child with your left hand, and holding the other child with your right hand in the same motion, lift the two of them forcefully, letting their heads come out of the water.

“Don’t struggle, I’ll take you up!” Ye Feng yelled, finally bringing the two children back to their senses.

Anyone who knows how to swim knows that when rescuing a person who falls into the water, the most fear is that the person who falls into the water will still flop, so it is entirely possible that neither of them can swim ashore.

Now, although the two children are still in shock, they have stopped struggling obediently, and Ye Feng can easily bring them both to the case.

Three people, one large, two small, were lying by the river, exhaling.

“What kind of game do you two play?” Ye Feng didn’t get angry when he thought that the two children were almost killed.

“It doesn’t matter if he fell into the water, what did you do when you jumped down?” Ye Feng questioned the child who took the initiative to jump into the water.

“Uncle…Uncle policeman, my good friend has fallen into the water. I can’t turn a blind eye? A man has to be loyal!” The boy struck his neck, looking like a man standing upright.

“You can swim?” Ye Feng asked in surprise.

This kid didn’t look like he knew how to swim. He jumped down and started drinking, but didn’t swim at all.

“I thought I would!” The boy’s words almost made Ye Feng die on the spot.

“You are this!” Ye Feng gave the boy a thumbs up, but actually smiled angrily.

“Let’s go, and I will go back to the police station to change clothes to avoid catching a cold, and then let your family come to pick you up.” Ye Feng got up and pulled up the two boys and took them to the police station.

“Uncle, can we wear police uniforms?” The two boys had walked out of the shadow of falling into the water, clamoring to wear police uniforms together.

However, when they entered the Wanshuihe police station, the other colleagues in the police station were stunned when they saw the battle, and they were shocked to no avail?

“A Feng? What did these two little ghosts do?”

“You got it back at such a young age?”

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