Chapter 209

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"When you bought it, was the bottle packaging intact? Or was it already used?" Ye Feng asked in a deep voice.

The pesticide bottle is trichlorfon, so it is unclear whether the medicine in the bottle is trichlorfon or not.

As a criminal investigator, boldly doubting assumptions is the best way to break through.

Liu Tiezhu's eyes were still lost and he seemed to mutter to himself, "It's new. I opened the bottle. No one has moved it."

Hearing this answer, Ye Feng couldn't help but frowned slightly.

If this is the case, then it can basically be ruled out that someone deliberately exchanged pesticides to murder the old Zhang family.

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng turned to Wang Hongliang and said: "Brother, I still have to trouble you to follow up with the follow-up. First, let the forensic examine the type of lethal pesticide, and then this pesticide bottle needs to detect the type of pesticide residue in the bottle, and it must be checked. A few pears are randomly selected from the pesticide fruit trees and tested as well. This must be done as soon as possible."

Wang Hongliang responded and acted immediately.

Apart from Wang Hao, who was ignorant, the other players basically understood Ye Feng's thinking.

Trichlorfon is not so toxic, and it is difficult to cause death. Perhaps the deceased had another cause of death!

"Boss, what do you suspect?" Luo Yang and Ye Feng walked side by side after leaving the interrogation room, trying to ask.

Ye Feng sighed, "If the deceased person is really poisoned by trichlorfon, then Liu Tiezhu must be suspected of breaking the law, but if the deceased did not die from the poisoning by trichlorfon, then Liu Tiezhu is innocent."

"It is possible that our random judgment may cause a person to squat in jail for more than ten years."

"Therefore, any judgment we make must be cautious and cautious."

"What I suspect now is that maybe someone else had a conflict with the old Zhang family. Through the contradiction between Liu Tiezhu and the old Zhang family, he designed and poisoned several people in the old Zhang family, and then picked himself out cleanly. ."

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Wang Hao nodded. He also had similar suspicions.

But the problem is, often the rural folkways are simple and honest, even if there are some conflicts between the neighbors, is it really necessary to attack?

Just like Liu Tiezhu, even though he said that he would kill the old Zhang's mother-in-law by spraying pesticides, he can only fight with ordinary pesticides. If you don't drink it directly, it will not poison people.

And there are people secretly poisoning and killing people, how much hatred is this!

"Boss, do we want to find out more about the situation with the family of the deceased?" Luo Yang suggested.

Without any hesitation, Ye Feng led the team directly to the village where the deceased was.

In the village, the special operations team met Zhang Gui, the man from the old Zhang family, and the husband and father of the three deceased.

At this time, Zhang Gui even looked more decadent than Liu Tiezhu in custody, and his whole person looked like a walking dead.

Can understand and even empathize.

In one day, the mother-in-law was gone, the two children were gone, and the whole family was gone.

No matter how strong people are, I'm afraid they can't bear this huge blow and grief!

Ye Feng couldn't help feeling sad for Zhang Gui, but now, in order to find out the truth, he must act impartially.

"Regarding the case, we need to ask you some questions." Ye Feng said straightforwardly.

Zhang Gui raised his head, without a trace of expression in his eyes. He didn't answer Ye Feng's question. Instead, he gritted his teeth and asked bitterly: "Will Liu Tiezhu's beast be sentenced to death?"

Obviously, Zhang Gui had already believed that Liu Tiezhu had caused the deaths of his mother-in-law and children.

He wants Liu Tiezhu to pay for his life!

Ye Feng couldn't help but sighed, but still patiently said: "If the final investigation concludes that Liu Tiezhu did it, then he will be punished by law."

"That's him! He did it!" Zhang Gui suddenly roared like an angry lion.

Ye Feng waved his hand and signaled Zhang Gui not to be so angry or so excited.

"Now we are here to investigate the case. We understand your feelings, but if you can't provide us with useful information, it won't help solve the case. Do you know what I mean?" Ye Feng said in a deep voice.

Zhang Gui took a few deep breaths, suppressing his emotions and said, "I understand! You can ask!"

"Except for Liu Tiezhu, has your family had any conflicts with other people recently?"

"No, our family only has a bad relationship with Liu Tiezhu, and the relationship with other villagers is pretty good."

"Then on the day of the incident, besides the pears stolen from Liu Tiezhu's house, did your family eat anything strange?"

"Neither, we just ate normal rice that day, steamed buns, radishes and cabbage, nothing else!"

"Before eating pears, have you washed pears?"

"I didn't eat it, but I knew my mother-in-law had washed pears. She heard that Liu Tiezhu was going to be sprayed with pesticides, how could she not wash it! But who would have thought that Liu Tiezhu's beast would spray so much pesticides! This inhuman thing, how could he? Don't die!"


Several of Zhang Gui’s answers gave Ye Feng some information, but they were not critical information, because Ye Feng did not get information from Zhang Gui that contradicted others.

This means that a lot of difficulty has been added to the investigation of the case.

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng strolled to Liu Tiezhu's house, which had been sealed up next to him.

He wanted to see if he could find any clues in Liu Tiezhu's home.

But when he walked towards Liu Tiezhu's house, Ye Feng's attention was suddenly attracted by the seedling field behind the pear tree.

There are seedlings growing in the seedling field, Ye Feng recognizes that they are rice seedlings.

Need to raise seedlings at this time?

Ye Feng didn't know much about farming, so he was surprised.

"Is that land growing seedlings? Why is seedlings grown at this time?" Ye Feng asked Jin Feng suspiciously.

Jin Feng is a child from the countryside, and he understands all these things.

"This is late rice, which is to be planted at this time."

Ye Feng nodded. This is not his specialty, but it doesn't hurt to know more.

Continue to move forward, however, after two steps, Ye Feng suddenly stopped.

Then, in the surprised eyes of several team members, they walked quickly towards the seedling field.

Walking to the seedling field, Ye Feng squatted down, put on his gloves carefully, and then carefully picked up a little white crystal.

This little white crystal is why he suddenly turned his head and walked over!

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