Chapter 112

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Garden road?

Four-year-old child?

Ye Feng looked at the cute kid in front of him, and didn’t know what to say.

Isn’t this a four-year-old child picked up from Garden Road?

“Kid, what is your name?” Ye Feng took a few deep breaths and asked the little boy softly.

“My name is Shao Dongdong!” The little boy didn’t seem to realize what was going on.

“Sister Liu, quickly call the command center and ask if the child is called Shao Dongdong. If so, let the parents of the child come to our office!” Ye Feng turned his head and said to Liu, who was already a little surprised.

“Oh! I’ll call right away!” Sister Liu calmed down and went to call.

At this time, Ye Feng had already turned his gaze to the young man who brought the little boy to the police station, his eyes were strange and doubtful.

Are you sure this is the child you found?

Occupational disease committed again!

Ye Feng even suspected that the young man had originally planned to abduct the little boy, but he suddenly repented after the action, so he simply performed a good deed and sent the boy to the police station!

Isn’t this a script like this?

Soon, the call between Sister Liu and the command center ended.

“Yes, this child is the one they said was suspected of being abducted. The parents of the child have already rushed here and will be here soon!”

This time, the expression of the young man was dumbfounded.

Suspected of being abducted?

This is a good thing for me!

This is what I do!

I didn’t abduct it!

At this time, Ye Feng has been observing the young man’s expression, intending to analyze more details from his micro-expression.

However, although the young man is a little stunned now, his expression is more surprised than flustered, without any guilty conscience.

Ye Feng can only say that either this young man has a superb psychological quality, or he has not lied.

“Now you can’t leave!” Ye Feng smiled and said to the child: “Of course, we are not suspicious of you. After all, it is of great importance. You have to check face to face after the parents of the child arrive, and you have to make a transcript.”

The young man looked a little annoyed, but he still sat there cooperatively.

Ye Feng actually doesn’t doubt this young man, but things are a bit strange.

His mind spins quickly, thinking about various possibilities, and suddenly, a bright light flashes in Ye Feng’s head.

“Young man, do you think it is possible?”

“You think the child and the parent are lost.”

“But in fact, the children just play downstairs in their own home?”

The young man’s eyes widened and his mouth widened, his expression terribly surprised.

“I took the children playing downstairs in my own house as lost children and sent them to the police station?” The boy’s suspicious voice was as if he suddenly found out that he had become a girl one day.

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