Chapter 89

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This was probably the first time in the history of the Wanshuihe Police Station that it was so easy to catch a robber.

The situation is clear!

Because the taxi is now equipped with monitoring and recording equipment, the truth can be accurately judged by calling it out.

The robber was taken into the interrogation room and confessed the crime very happily and admitted the fact of the robbery.

After investigation, it was discovered that he actually had a record of robbery, and he was sentenced to three years for robbery.

Just a few days after being released from prison, I couldn’t find a job to feed my stomach, so I went out to rob again.

At the end of the interrogation, the follow-up work was handed over to the internal police. Li Bin and Fan Jingming stood in front of Ye Feng and kept chewing their teeth.

“How do you explain?” Li Bin looked at Ye Feng with a smile.

Ye Feng is helpless, what does this have to do with me.

I couldn’t help spreading out my palms, and said as if confessing his fate: “Okay, I admit! Ye Feng, the mana is boundless! I controlled him, okay?”

Li Bin and Fan Jingming couldn’t help laughing.

There are some things that TV series dare not do, but they can happen in reality.

Isn’t that the magic on Ye Feng?

With Ye Feng’s current case-solving efficiency, I am afraid that there are really no criminals in his jurisdiction!

Well, since then, the name “Ye Feng Lao Xian” has also begun to circulate in the Wanshuihe Police Station, and everyone is keen to tease which criminal Ye Feng has caught with his magic power.

The most interesting thing is that the way the police greet Ye Feng has changed.

I usually wave my hands and nod my head. This is the most normal way of socializing.

But now?

Passing by Ye Feng, you must first stand up straight, then bow slightly, and put your hands together in front of you, which is exactly the pattern of religious belief.

“Meet the old fairy!”

“Hello, old fairy!”

“Goodbye old fairy!”

Ye Feng didn’t dare to stay at the police station so much, so he hurried out to patrol when he went to work, or God knew how these guys would tease him.

After getting off work that night, Ye Feng felt a little bored after returning home, and felt that he should do something.

So, what to do?

How can you say that you are now a rich man, right?

So, what do other rich people do when they are bored?

Communication, socializing, busy work every day, it seems that the rich have no leisure time.

Forget it, watch the live broadcast!

Because Ye Feng remembered that the system had rewarded him with 1 million tiger fish coins before, and there was no way to put it in it. If you see an anchor who has an appetite, you can give a reward.

I opened the game area and found that I couldn’t understand a game, and I slipped away!

Entering the face value area, the beauty effect is all pretty good, but no matter how you look at it, they are all contrived and ran away!

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