Chapter 238

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"Sorry, you can't leave now!"

Ye Feng stopped the driver who was about to leave with two friends who had fought.


Why are you stopping me?

You let go of those who fight, and then I'll go if you report the fight?

His two friends were also very strange, and turned around, not knowing what happened.

As for Li Hao and Zhou Yuyang, they are even more strange. They know best that Ye Feng has no reason to stop the driver from leaving!

"Li Hao, call the traffic police and ask the traffic police to come to the police station as soon as possible, saying that someone is drunk and driving here!" Ye Feng directly told Li Hao, regardless of everyone's doubts.

Li Hao was obviously a little dazed, and he didn't even react to Ye Feng's meaning in the first time.

Drunk driving?

Who drunk driving?

Then he waited for his gaze to rest on the driver's face before he realized it.

Just now, my mind was always on the fight, and I didn't pay attention to anything else at all.

It wasn't until this time that he noticed that the driver's cheeks were a little red, and it seemed that he was really drinking.

Li Hao quickly turned around and went to call. Although he was still surprised by this absurd thing, his admiration for Ye Feng went to another level.

As soon as Ye Feng's voice fell over here, the driver's heart shook, and he whispered badly!

He is indeed drunk and driving!

Just now, the three of them ate together and drank some alcohol. I thought there would be no traffic police to check for drunk driving at noon, so I drove on the road with peace of mind.

But the two friends in the back of the road got into a fight. He was anxious to get angry and quickly wanted to solve the problem, so he drove the car directly into the police station and completely forgot about his drinking!

On the spot, his whole person was not good!

What kind of business is this?

Co-authoring I am a self-inflicted snare!

The two friends of the driver were also dumbfounded. Although the three of them drank together not too much, it definitely exceeded the standard for drunk driving.

This is how to do?

"Police officer, you policeman, don't care about the traffic police. You see that we are all good citizens, so let us go quickly~‖!"

The driver couldn't help but began to intercede to himself in a low voice. He knew that once the traffic police came to find out that he was drunk driving, he would be in trouble.

The current penalty standard is that for drinking and driving a motor vehicle, a six-month driver's license will be temporarily detained!

His current job is as a driver. If his driver's license is temporarily detained, then he is equivalent to losing his job.

If you don't make money for half a year, then you are really going to eat soil!

The company will definitely dismiss him directly, after all, no company would be willing to ask for a driver with a drink-driving experience.

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