Chapter 251

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"I'm just giving you a chance to confess."

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it!"

"Anyway, there are many ways to find a suspect in the end."

"For example, your whereabouts, whether you missed hair at the scene, etc. can detect DNA substances, even if you hire other people to dig graves, we can still find clues through call records..."

"So, don't expect to be unaware of what anyone does."

Ye Feng's smile was very plain, but to Liu Yinong's two subordinates, it seemed a bit permeating.

And Ye Feng's words are more like a heavy hammer, hitting their hearts again and again, completely shattering all the defenses in their hearts.

After all, the two were not specially trained in psychological quality, and they were not familiar with the police detective mode.

They thought they didn't leave any useful clues, but what if they were negligent, or the police had any new black technology that could lock them down?

Therefore, at this time they are really a bit unbearable!

From head to toe, Ye Shao had already seen it thoroughly, and there was no secret at all.

How to do?

One of them looked to the other for an idea, but then the other spoke first.

"Ye Shao, police officer, I admit that we did it, but I'm just an attacker. From the idea to the execution, he planned it."

After that, he pointed his finger at his companion and betrayed him directly.

The other person was dumbfounded, and he didn't expect this situation to happen.

Is this the rhythm of flying each other when the catastrophe is imminent?

"I'm f*ck, do you want to die?" He slammed it directly, and was so angry that he was about to die.

The other person took a punch and retaliated with pain.

The two just hit each other.

Ye Feng didn't respond for a while

Is this the dog biting the dog?

Should I stop it?

In other words, I am also a policeman. If others fight and fight in front of me, it would be a bit too much to ignore or even watch the excitement.

So Ye Feng directly stretched out his hand to separate the two people who were still not giving way to each other, and then gave Wang Hongliang and Li Wenle a look, and motioned for them to be handcuffed.

Although the two people who had been separated and handcuffed were still swearing at each other, Li Wenle and Wang Hongliang put their hands on hard, and both of them became honest under the pain.

The world is also clean!

Then, the two were interrogated separately, and all the confessions were quickly obtained.

Ye Feng was really dumbfounded at this time, and was impressed by the brains of these two guys!

The two of them are Liu Yinong's direct subordinates. They have always worked hard, but their abilities are limited, so after being promoted to the position of supervisor, there is no possibility of promotion!

But the two of them were not reconciled to such a lifetime, so they worked together to study ways to see if it was possible to get a different look from their boss.

In the end, I don’t know who came up with such an idea—digging the ancestral grave of the immediate superior’s family!

Think about it, when the boss’s ancestral grave is dug up and the ancestor remains are gone, will the boss get angry in a hurry?

The workplace strategy is, when the boss gets angry, you can share the worries for the boss, and you are undoubtedly the best subordinate!

When no one can find the remains, you can stand up and find the remains. Does your boss look at you all at once?

Even if you don't promote you right away, I am afraid that you will be considered first when you are promoted!

With this kind of thought, two people pondered, this thing can be done!

So they looked for an opportunity, and after going up the mountain, they smashed the grave of Grandpa Liu Yinong, and then moved the remains of Grandpa Liu Yinong to the mountain.

Is this a human job?

Not to mention, the two of them were really courageous, and they didn't feel scared when they moved the remains.

Maybe I want to get promoted so much, it doesn't matter what it is.

It's just that they didn't expect that in front of the desire for power, they were too impatient, and directly exposed the fox's tail.

The two suspects have already confessed, then this case can almost be declared over, at least the detection phase is over.

Bring the two suspects back to the Criminal Investigation Brigade and hand them over to the internal staff to handle the follow-up work. Even if they completed the task quickly and successfully 0....

However, just when they were about to drive back, Ye Feng received a call from Zhao He.

"Boss, you heard that we have completed the detection, so you called to praise us?" Ye Feng said with a haha ​​smile.

And Zhao He on the other end of the phone was obviously taken aback. He never expected that Ye Feng would have won the grave digging case so quickly.

The language that was already organized now comes to the lips, and I don't even know how to say it.

What's happening here?

Obviously, Ye Feng arranged a very complicated case. I hope that Ye Feng will spend more time to solve the case so that he can take a break during this time.

But you just went out this morning, tell me now that you can close the case?

How do you feel that Ye Feng went straight to the suspect?


Do you have a pair of eye jackets that can recognize criminals?

After a pause, Zhao Hecai, who was shocked for a long time, said: "There has been another grave digging case here, in Luojiatun, not far from Liujia Village. You happen to be there, so I want you to take over the case. If there is no common feature, can it be handled in parallel?"

And this time, Ye Feng was also a little stunned.

Turning his head to look at the two suspects who were leaning in the back row, Ye Feng asked in disbelief: "Have you dug someone else's grave?"

Can it be said that besides Liu Yinong, they have other direct supervisors who can bring them more bosses who can help them in the workplace?

The two people had their heads drooping, and when they heard Ye Feng's questioning, they were startled and panicked. They waved their hands as if they were struggling to talk with tension.

"It's not us, it's not us!"

Ye Feng didn't think it was them either. After all, they dug the ancestral grave of Liu Yi's farm and there was a reason, but what did Luo Jiazhuang have to do with them?

"Afeng, can you be sure that the tomb robbery in Luojiazhuang has nothing to do with the tomb robbery in Liujiacun?" Zhao He pondered for a while before asking.

Ye Feng couldn't help scratching his head, "I'm not sure, but I don't think it should be, even if it is intuitive."

But I was murmured in my heart, what kind of year is this, it is still popular to dig the graves of other people's ancestors...

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