Chapter 227

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Ye Feng has a special presence in the Criminal Investigation Team!

In all respects, even Zhao He, the captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade, is far less topical than Ye Feng in the Criminal Investigation Brigade.

After all, from the time when he entered the criminal investigation brigade or even just started working, Ye Feng's legendary experience and all-round ability of evildoers made him the real topic center.

There is no need to count his evildoers one by one, because the number can't be counted.

And no matter how exaggerated things are in Ye Feng, it seems to be just plain ordinary, just like commonplace.

But this time, the entire criminal investigation team was once again driven by Ye Feng.

To be precise, it was mobilized by two police dogs of Ye Feng!

This time the ten-year unsolved case has been solved!

But Ye Feng is not the protagonist. Instead, two handsome police dogs have become the key figures in the detection of the case!

The city police dog team is not without police dogs. In the early stage, police dogs were also sent to help solve the case. However, the nose of the police dog can no longer function because it has been too long.

This cannot be blamed on the police dog!

However, who could think that 04 arrived, but the two police dogs that Ye Feng pulled away did a wonderful job.

With a sense of smell far exceeding that of ordinary police dogs, he directly found the remains of the missing girl. This almost unbelievable miracle happened so real!

Where did Ye Feng find such two snarling dogs?

Needless to say, now in the Criminal Investigation Brigade, those police officers who like cats and dogs and other small animals have surrounded Beckham and the hot girl in a tight circle, and they can't wait to hold them and never let go!

Ye Feng is a little bit dumbfounded, he feels that he is about to lose two dogs!

Zhao He and several squadron leaders who rushed over when they heard the movement couldn't help their eyes widening when they saw Beckham and Spice Girl.

They all have a wealth of experience in cooperating with police dogs in handling cases, and naturally they know them very well.

Just by looking at the excellent appearance of Beckham and Spice Girl, and the subtle glow revealed in their eyes, they knew that they were absolutely extraordinary.

Zhao He couldn't help but brighten up before his eyes suddenly came up with a bold idea!

"Come on, A Feng, discuss something with you!" Zhao He pulled Ye Feng aside directly and whispered in his ear.

"You lend the male to the brigade for a few days. The police dog team also has excellent police dogs. As long as their gene extraction is combined, the next generation of police dogs will be extremely powerful!"

Ye Feng couldn't help crying or laughing. If you match. Seed, you must match. Seed. Even so tall, people who don't know think you are really researching genes!

However, Ye Feng really didn't plan to agree.

On the one hand, although Beckham looks sturdy, he is actually underage;

On the other hand, there is a hot girl in Beckham, who would be interested in the police dogs of the police dog team?

Of course, there is still a very important point, that is, Ye Feng is worried that there are substances in the genes of Xiaobei and Spice Girls that dogs on the earth say that there are no substances, and he does not know whether it will cause any serious consequences at that time!

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