Chapter 95

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"I'm afraid it's not a fool?" Li Hao looked at the little thief in disbelief, and said in an incredible tone: "Or let's let him go. The fool doesn't have to take responsibility for breaking the law."

Ye Feng couldn't help but give Li Hao a blank look.

Even if you want to complain, don't say it in front of the suspect!

Be careful when others report you!

After all, now that civilized law enforcement is strictly enforced, you can be regarded as an insult to the suspect.

Even if the evidence of the thief stealing the battery car is solid, you can't escape discipline.

Ye Feng and Li Hao took the thief to the thief's house.

"I'm renting here, and the other room is occupied by a couple!" The battery car thief opened the door and said, "I really didn't steal anything else. If you don't believe me, just flip it!"

Ye Feng walked into the thief's room, but he didn't actually have to turn it over, because at a glance, there was nothing. It was too appropriate to describe it as a gangster.

"Well, if this is your first offense, congratulations, you should be able to squat for a few more days in the detention center without going to jail!" Ye Feng said to him with a smile.

The value of an electric car is not very high. As long as it is not a recidivist, there is a high probability that it will be directly detained for a few days and will not be handed over to the prosecutor's office for prosecution.

As for whether this guy has a criminal record, you will know when you go back to the office.

However, just when Ye Feng and Li Hao were about to escort the thief back to the police station, he looked through the crack of the door and inadvertently saw something in another room.

He stopped abruptly, turned and walked towards another room, Ye Feng's expression had become serious.

"What's wrong with Brother Feng?" Li Hao asked the thief in surprise when he saw Ye Feng's movements.

Ye Feng didn't answer him, and used his fingers to slightly open the door of the room a little larger, so that his vision could be seen more clearly and comprehensively.

I saw that several layers of the cabinet in this room were filled with red things, and the shape was exactly the seal used by the corporate company.

He promptly pushed open the door and entered the room, grabbed a few seals, and found that the names of different companies were engraved on them, and Ye Feng even saw the seals of government agencies in them.

Why are so many official seals placed in a rental house?

The answer is obvious!

This is probably a fake official seal!

Roughly counting, there are fifty official seals that have been carved up.

In addition to the official seal, Ye Feng also found a large number of documents, such as household registration books, marriage certificates, divorce certificates, etc., and even real estate certificates...

You don't even need to check carefully to detect that these documents are also forged and fake!

Why do you say that?

Because on the basic marriage certificate that Ye Feng picked up casually, the husband is one person, but the wives are all the same...

If this is true, wouldn't it be a crime of bigamy?

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