Chapter 195

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Also the suspect's monitoring clues, this has become the focus of investigation of the second squadron.

However, what is surprising is that they only knew the suspect's activity monitoring in the hotel, but they could not find the video recording of the man entering the hotel.

According to regulations, surveillance videos of business places such as hotels need to be kept for 90 days.

In other words, either the man entered and left the hotel through a passageway, or he was not found in casual clothes, or it is even possible that he has been in the Louvre Hall and has not left yet.

The current situation is that there are clues and directions, but it is difficult to form a breakthrough.

And the Criminal Investigation Brigade did not dare to investigate with great fanfare, for fear that it would startle the snake.

Zhao Hyuk is very troubled.

But Ye Feng was already in deep thought at this time, feeling that there was always a key point that he didn't think clearly. Once he thinks it clearly, then the problem will be solved.

He didn't think he would startle the snake, and it is even possible that the criminal suspect intentionally left these lines for them.

Once the police's attention is drawn to the murder case, can they keep secrets and make the arms trade more concealed and smooth-?

Ye Feng doesn't believe that the police gang will be unaware of such a big move by the police last night.

Perhaps they are now studying how to further mobilize the police's attention!

The criminal IQ of criminals must not be underestimated. For the sake of profit, they can do everything in a frenzy.

After thinking about it, Ye Feng felt that he should get in touch with the three brothers of Brother Tiger.

Because the three younger brothers had this close relationship with the victim, Brother Tiger, they were all summoned to the Criminal Investigation Brigade for interrogation, but Ye Feng did not come forward at this time.

He couldn't let Brother Tiger's three younger brothers know his identity.

After Hu's three younger brothers were questioned and left the criminal investigation team, Ye Feng appeared in his own Cullinan.

"Get in the car!" Ye Feng's style of wealthy and powerful young and old made it impossible for the three brothers to refuse.

They naturally know that Ye Feng is a wealthy young and old, but now they are sitting in Linnan, a tens of millions of luxury garage, they are still more shocked.

Ye Feng didn't speak. The three of them sat in the back row and didn't dare to speak, so they found a teahouse all the way and asked for a private room.

After letting the waiter serve tea and snacks, Ye Feng sighed and spoke slowly.

"I just met Brother Tiger, and I planned to find Brother Tiger to play with you guys these days, but I didn't expect to meet Brother Tiger again and fell in a pool of blood!"

Ye Feng's words made the three younger brothers' eyes red. It seems that there is still a real relationship between them and Brother Tiger.

"Little Feng, we..."

A little brother wanted to say something, but choked up.

Ye Feng waved his hand, picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and then continued to speak: "Do you know who killed Brother Tiger?"

This question is very sharp.

Three little brothers, you look at me, I look at you, for a while, I don’t know how to answer.

"Me and Brother Hu hit it off right away, and I don't want my friend to die so unclearly. If the police can't investigate the truth, I don't rule out using my own energy to investigate. It's revenge for Brother Hu!"

The three younger brothers were a little moved when they heard what Ye Feng said, so one younger brother rushed to say: "If Brother Hu knows what Feng Shao is, he will be very happy to know that Feng Shao is so loyal."

"Tell me, who has Brother Hu been in contact with lately?" Ye Feng asked in a deep voice, narrowing his eyes.

"You know, Shao Feng, we all live in a gray area, so there are some things that you may not sound so comfortable."

Ye Feng couldn't help but want to laugh, of course I know what you do all day long!

"If I said that it was all small squabbles before, this time I feel that things are a little overwhelming!"

"Brother Tiger brought us into contact. It should be two very bold criminal gangs. Although Brother Tiger did not let us get involved, we accidentally heard Brother Tiger say that these two criminal gangs wanted to carry out arms. Transaction, and it's still a large-scale transaction."

"I know that we are definitely breaking the law in the middle, but Brother Hu has no way to make a living."

"Although Brother Tiger is usually arrogant, his nature is not that bad, let alone any real enemies."

"So I think that this time Brother Tiger was killed, it should be one of their two gangs."

0 ····Seeking flowers· 0

"According to a few simple contacts, I probably know that a gang is from the north, and a gang is from the south."

"For more specific things, I am not very clear."

"Although Brother Tiger is at ease with us, for the two groups, the more people know, the greater the risk of exposure, so we don't have more involvement."

"Every time Brother Tiger talks to them, we stay far away."

"We've seen the bosses of the two gangs. One of them is very distinctive. He has a big black scorpion on his nose and black hairs on the scorpion, which is particularly conspicuous."

Ye Feng's eyes drenched slightly. If Brother Hu hadn't lied, then the boss of this criminal gang would be very easy to identify.

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He didn't expect much of these three little brothers, but now that he has such an important clue, it can be said to be an unexpected gain.

"This is the surveillance I got from the Louvre Guild Hall. From the time point of view, he is very likely to be the murderer. Please see if you have any impression of this person."

With that, Ye Feng showed the suspect's surveillance screen to the three of them.

The three of them stared at the screen with great earnestness, but the two of them frowned for a long time and shook their heads.

Only one person fell into contemplation, as if recalling something.

"Sao Feng, I seem to have that impression, but I'm not so sure!"

"This person seems to be under the boss of Da Yuzi. If it is true, his status is not low, and he always follows Da Yuzi."

Ye Feng nodded, confirming his guess.

If this is what the younger brother Hu said, then Brother Hu was indeed murdered by one of the two parties to the transaction.

But it doesn't seem to make much sense to start with the broker before the transaction has been completed.

Is it possible that they had a dispute in the room because of certain things, which led to the appearance of the attack?

The facts of the case are confusing and confusing, leaving Ye Feng somewhat intangible.

"The three of you should hide first. Since they don't even let Brother Tiger let go, then there is no reason to let you go!"

Ye Feng shook his head and sighed to remind the three human beings.

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