Chapter 221

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I seem to have kicked the iron!

This is the idea that came out of the man's head at the time.

Hemp egg!

Why are you a rich man who drove a Rolls-Royce who came to be a policeman?

Did you get kicked in your head by a donkey?

If my family were so rich, I would spend a lot of time changing girlfriends every day!

Anyway, this man's outlook on life has been affected by a big impact.

Needless to say, even if he has such a small amount of money, it is not a bit worse than someone who can afford a Rolls Royce!

And being rich is only one aspect. If you really have any connections, then you might die in secret.

So, waiting for the New Year without slipping at this time?

"Um, sorry! Excuse me! I'm leaving now!"

The man smirked, then turned to leave.

However, at this time Ye Feng did not want to let him go.

It's not because he suddenly came to strike up a conversation with Li Yanfei, so Ye Feng wanted to trouble him.

It was Ye Feng's sudden thought that this kind of guy who often finds girls to strike up a conversation, I am afraid that he does not do anything ethical on weekdays, maybe he can dig out something from him.

"Don't go away now!" Ye Feng stopped him and said to him blankly: "Please show your ID card."

The man turned his head, the expression on his face still had a sneer, and there was a lot of flattery in this smile.

"Didn’t I have checked my ID when I entered the venue? If there is a problem, I won’t be able to come in either!"

However, his shirk obviously won't let Ye Feng let him go so easily.

Without talking, he put his hand directly in front of the man, which was enough to show his attitude.

The expression on the man's face became extremely complicated. After hesitating for a while, he reluctantly took out his ID card from his wallet and handed it to Ye Feng.

During this process, Ye Feng kept staring at his face and paying attention to his expression.

There was a trace of worry, a trace of fluke expectation, and a deliberate relaxation and irrelevance.

There seems to be a problem!

Ye Feng's micro-expression analysis ability has reached the level of nuance in practical use. As long as the object he observes has a mental fluctuation, he can judge seven or eight out of ten.

This guy seemed to be lucky and worried about what he might find.

Ye Feng picked up his ID card and checked it with an ID card detector.

no problem.

It's not a fake ID, it's not an online fugitive, and it doesn't have a criminal record.

This was not beyond Ye Feng's expectation. After all, if there was a problem with the ID card, it would be picked up when the ticket was checked in. How could it wait until now.

However, Ye Feng did not relax his vigilance because of this. Instead, he carefully checked the ID card with the naked eye, and kept looking up, comparing the photo on the ID card with his own appearance.

Ye Feng's movements made the man feel flustered, his face turned sideways unconsciously, and his eyes became unnatural.

At this time, Ye Feng really saw something!

The photo on the ID card does look a bit like the man, but Ye Feng can almost conclude that the ID card does not belong to this man.

The overall appearance is quite similar. If you don't look carefully, you won't doubt it at all.

But Ye Feng saw the biggest problem.

The bridge of the man's nose was a little collapsed and relatively flat, but on the photo of his ID card, the bridge of his nose was warped.

If the reverse is true, then you can use a man to be dissatisfied with the shape of his nose and have a facelift for rhinoplasty.

But no one will have a facelift with their nose flat, right?

So, this is the biggest problem.

"Isn't this your ID card?" Ye Feng sneered. He knew that he probably caught fish again.

Will normal people use other people's ID cards?

It must be problematic to hide the true identity.

The man's expression was uncontrollable, and he was very flustered. Ye Feng could clearly feel it. At that moment, he wanted to turn around and ran away.

"You can run! But I don't think you can run away!" Ye Feng's smile became more and more cold.

Then, before the man could respond, Ye Feng had already used the walkie-talkie to communicate with the team members and called them over.

Of course, Ye Feng seems to be contacting colleagues, but in fact he still secretly focuses most of his attention on the man, lest he jumps the wall in a hurry.

On the one hand, if Li Yanfei is here, if a man takes Li Yanfei as a hostage and threatens him, Ye Feng might care about it.

On the other hand, with so many spectators around, no matter who he takes as a hostage, Ye Feng will inevitably have to throw a rat.

Therefore, Ye Feng did not relax his vigilance at all.

But fortunately, I don't know if this man had forgotten to struggle because he was frightened, or he didn't want to resist at all. Although he looked decadent, he still stood motionless.

"Now we need to conduct a more detailed investigation of you, please cooperate."

When Li Wenle arrived, Ye Feng directly signaled Li Wenle to take the man away for investigation.

Ye Feng didn't know what case he had, just fraudulent use of other ID cards was six months of detention.

If there is another case, it may be sentenced for many years.

Ye Feng couldn't help but want to laugh, but couldn't help but laugh.

I seem to have caught one?

When Li Wenle left the suspect who had fraudulently used someone else’s ID card, Ye Feng grinned at Li Yanfei. This small episode could not affect their mood when watching the concert.

As the surrounding audience concentrated on the concert, they didn't realize what happened here, and they didn't know that a suspect was caught here.

Ye Feng still stood upright, relaxed and listened to Liu Tianwang's live singing.

Not to mention, Liu Tianwang can be popular for so long, his strength is naturally self-evident, Ye Feng is almost fascinated by it, let alone those real fans.

But Ye Feng is really worried that these enthusiastic fans will do something irrational.

But fortunately, until the end of the concert, although the atmosphere in the stadium has been frenzied to the extreme, the order has always been very good, and no accidents happened.

In the end, the spectators left the field one after another, until all the spectators in the stadium left, the police in the field really completed their tasks and could evacuate the scene.

Ye Feng didn't send Li Yanfei away, because he had to keep his post anyway, and could not leave his post without permission because of private affairs.

If anyone leaves the job without permission, what kind of order is there!

This is their job, this is their sacrifice!

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