Chapter 158

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Three days later, the special operations team of the Criminal Investigation Brigade was established!

The special operations team does not have an official name, but privately they will be the old fairy team.

Obviously, this is because the leader of the special operations team is Ye Feng.

The special operations team has a separate office at the end of the corridor.

Although the area is not too big, there is no problem in accommodating more than ten people to work together.

Of course, the current special operations team has only 6 members.

Ye Feng is the team leader, Luo Yang is the deputy team leader, and then there are the three big King Kong Wang Hongliang, Jin Feng and Li Wenle, and Wang Hao who has just been transferred from the SWAT team.

Once this action team was established, it caused quite a stir in the Criminal Investigation Brigade and even the entire Binhai City public security system.

After all, the long-term organizational structure has almost always been inherited, and the Criminal Investigation Brigade suddenly established a special operations team, which is a bit similar to the meaning of a fixed task force. How can you not be surprised!

Of course, everyone still has no doubts about Ye Feng’s role as the leader of the special operations team.

Ye Feng has proved with his own results that he is absolutely worthy of this position.

In the criminal investigation sequence, there is no need to play any qualifications, it is good to be able to catch the suspect, so that you will not be underestimated because you are young.

Although Ye Feng has only been working for more than three months, the suspects he caught are almost equal to the criminal investigation squadron of a branch!

If Ye Feng is not allowed to be the team leader, I am afraid they will have doubts.

“Wang Hao, come and report!”

In the special operations team office, Ye Feng and the four team members were chatting. At this time, a loud report came from the door.

Because of the transfer procedures, Wang Hao was the last to report.

“Come in! Brother!” Wang Hongliang pulled Wang Hao into the office with a smile, “This way our special operations team will be officially full!” ”

Currently, the action team has only 6 police officers.

Zhao He meant to experiment first. If the special operations team can really play a prominent role like a knife, then it will be too late to expand.

Wang Hao has a military temperament, which makes Ye Feng very satisfied. In the future, he may become a very unique existence.

Of course, Ye Feng can do most of what Wang Hao can do. Whether it is guns or fighting, Ye Feng is probably better than Wang Hao.

But more often, Ye Feng must play a role in commanding the overall situation, so Wang Hao’s existence is very necessary.

Ye Feng originally planned to have dinner at night and engage in team building, so that they can get acquainted with each other as soon as possible, and then they can enter a tacit working state faster.

However, although he had a good idea, the intrusive police situation directly caused Zhao He to send the newly established special operations team on the scene.

When the special operations team quickly dispatched in two police cars, almost everyone in the entire criminal investigation team was watching silently.

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