Chapter 104

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Ye Feng was taken aback by the young man with a respectful expression in front of him.

“I’m Ye Feng, are you?”

The young man suddenly smiled and bowed his head slightly: “You may not know me. My name is Bao Renzhi. I am the nephew of Chairman Bao Tianrui. I am currently in charge of procurement management in the Hebin Group.”

Suddenly, Ye Feng turned out to be Bao Tianrui’s nephew, working in Riverside Real Estate, so it’s okay to call himself Ye Dong.

As for how he recognized himself, it would be too much of a failure compared to a manager who could not recognize the members of the board of directors.

“Hello!” Ye Feng responded with a smile.

Bao Renzhi glanced at the environment in the box, and asked with a little curiosity: “Ye Dong, are you?”

Ye Feng didn’t conceal it, and chuckled: “Did Mr. Bao tell you? I’m a policeman. These are my colleagues at the police station. Today, everyone is out for dinner.”

This time, it was Bao Renzhi’s turn to be dumbfounded.

His eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

What did I hear?

The second largest shareholder who owns 30% of Hebin Group’s shares is actually a policeman from a police station?

Are the big guys so low-key now?

At this time, Li Bin’s old husband was confused by Mr. Bao’s actions, so he entered the box with Li Bin.

“President Bao, is this your acquaintance?” Old husband Li Bin asked cautiously.

Those who can drink with their son-in-law are probably not big people, maybe they have such a small relationship with Bao Renzhi.

However, Bao Renzhi’s next words almost caused him to have a brain hemorrhage on the spot.

“Let me introduce to you, this Ye Feng Ye Dong is a member of the board of directors of our Riverside Group and the second largest shareholder.”

In the entire box, it seemed that the air was frozen.

Everyone’s face was filled with shock, as if aliens had descended in front of their eyes.

Ye Feng is the second largest shareholder of Hebin Group?

The Riverside Group is a group with a market value of tens of billions, which means that Ye Feng is worth at least several billion?


I originally thought that Ye Feng could afford Cullinan, and he should be worth hundreds of millions.

Unexpectedly, they still far underestimated Ye Feng’s net worth!

Even Li Yanfei opened her small mouth slightly in shock, with an incredible expression on her face.

As for Li Bin’s old husband, he clutched his fierce mouth, took a deep breath for a long time, and almost came out of a heart attack.

My son-in-law and the director of the Riverside Group actually sat at a table for dinner?

He himself supplies building materials to the Riverside Real Estate, a subsidiary of the Riverside Group, so he would indulge in the small contractor responsible for the procurement of the Riverside Group.

If he can build a good relationship and win the two-year supply qualification, then his business will truly grow and be the strongest, and his earnings can be doubled every year.

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