Chapter 240

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After getting the address and contact information from the store owner, Ye Feng led the team directly to the door.

"Boss Afeng, is it really okay for us to come directly to the door like this?" Zhou Yuyang said a little worried: "According to the current amount, 2,000 yuan is the standard for filing a blackmail case, which is not reached!"

Indeed, the current standard for filing a blackmail case is 2,000 yuan. If there are no special circumstances, a case below this amount will not be opened.

That’s why Zhou Yuyang has concerns about this.

But at this moment, Ye Feng's expression was fierce and successful, and he asked Zhou Yuyang with a light smile: "It is true that 1,800 yuan is not enough for the filing standard, but do you think he really only had this act of extortion-?"

Suddenly, Zhou Yuyang's eyes lit up.


Why didn't I think of it!

Judging from the tactics of the blackmailer, it is obviously very experienced, unlike a novice who needs to explore everything.

Well, I am afraid this is far from his first crime.

Just dig a little deeper, maybe the amount will reach what level!

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuyang couldn't help but get excited.

According to the address left by the takeaway, the four Ye Feng quickly arrived at the location.

Although this suspect is suspected of fraud and is far less dangerous than the suspects of theft and robbery, Ye Feng still didn't care.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk"

Ye Feng knocked on the door at a fast pace.

"Who!" an impatient question came from the room.

"Delivery food!" Ye Feng replied in a deep voice.

It is best if you can trick him into opening the door, otherwise it will be very troublesome to take measures.

Fortunately, it may be because the people in the house often order takeout, so there is no doubt.

"Come, here, don't knock!"

The door opened, and the people in the room entered the eyes of Ye Feng.

This is an otaku who doesn't seem to have washed his unkempt face for several days. His eyes are sunken and he hasn't woken up at all.

Ye Feng stretched his foot to jam the door, and then forced the door to open wider.

"We are the police!" directly indicated the identity.

The people in the room were taken aback, and the eyes that were too sleepy just now stared directly at the boss.

But before he could react more, Li Hao rushed in first, cut his left hand directly, and pushed him hard against the wall.

"What are you doing?"

"are you crazy!"

"The police just enter people's homes casually?"

"Believe it or not, I will find a reporter to expose you!"

"A bunch of crazy! Let me go quickly!"

This person suspected of extortion was very unconvinced, struggling ceaselessly, and swearing constantly in his mouth.

"You still have a temper?" Li Hao pressed his hand, mockingly said in his mouth.

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