Chapter 167

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The Ye Feng Special Operations Squad returned to the Criminal Investigation Brigade so vigorously, it naturally evoked the shock of the internal police of the Criminal Investigation Brigade.

Only then went out for a while, and unexpectedly brought back two suspects!

Ye Feng won’t start the “go out to pick up suspects” mode again, right?

The next interrogation process didn’t take much effort. After the separate interrogations, both of them explained it all together.

The young man in the “impunity” sweater was really at large before. He was previously listed as an online chaser for intentionally hurting people.

When he provided the correct ID number, the system immediately proved it.

However, his crime occurred in the city, so after the evidence collection is over, he will be handed over to the city for the final prosecution.

As for the habitual thief who was reported “with impunity”, he has been carrying out thefts near the railway station for a long time, and the cumulative amount involved is estimated to exceed 20w.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to conceal it, it’s that he dare not underestimate the police’s investigative methods. Rather than being found out, he might as well confess himself, and be lenient with a confession!

Moreover, in order to reduce his sentence, he directly reported the stolen mobile phone shop after he had stolen the mobile phone.

If things are really confessed by the thief, then the owner of the second-hand mobile phone shop is suspected of concealing the crime of concealing criminal proceeds, which is also in violation of the law.


Now even Ye Feng can’t help feeling a little absurd.

I wanted to warn the young man on the road, but the young man was a fugitive.

Then the fugitive reported the thief, and the thief reported the mobile phone shop owner.

After this series of arrests, the interrogation room is almost running out!

However, since there is a criminal act, it is natural not to let it go.

Ye Feng asked Luo Yang to take Li Wenle and Wang Hao directly to the second-hand mobile phone shop for investigation. If the crime is true, then there is no need to hesitate to catch the shop owner.

Before long, the owner of the second-hand mobile phone shop was brought back.

Then he confessed that he might have been holding a fluke mentality, but when he was caught, his mentality had long since collapsed, and he had no courage to confront.

This time, a few members of the special operations team were busy.

Interrogation, evidence collection, and complete case files, they clearly can leave work on time, this time they really have to work overtime!

Of course, working overtime is nothing to them, as long as they can keep catching bad guys, even if they make it worthwhile to work overtime every day.

The results of the special operations team are so remarkable that everyone is inevitably proud and energetic.

Ye Feng smiled and walked to the hall, took out a pen, and slowly added three completed cases to the special operations team.

“Catch a fugitive from the Internet.”

“Catch a habitual stealer.”

“Arrested a suspect for the crime of concealing income.”

Ye Feng’s every move obviously attracted the attention of the internal policemen of the Criminal Investigation Brigade. Seeing that he added new content on the whiteboard, and three of them were added all at once, the shock was not to mention more intense.

You know, until now, except for the special operations team on this whiteboard, only one of the four squadrons of 888Y)sqjR has caught a bus pickpocket, and the remaining three teams have not captured it yet.

But Ye Feng’s special operations team had already ran ahead of the four squadrons.

I’m afraid, in a few days, this whiteboard won’t be able to write about the success of the Ye Feng Special Operations Team, right?

Sure enough, the god-man is the god-man!

At this time, Zhao Daqi, the captain of the Second Squadron, returned to the Criminal Investigation Brigade with several members.

At the same time, Lu Yong, the captain of the third squadron, also returned with a few members fore and aft.

The two looked at each other with competing eyes, and then walked side by side into the office building.

“Lao Zhao, how are you?” Lu Yong asked triumphantly.

“Fortunately, an arson case has just been cracked, and the suspect will be brought back soon!” Zhao Daqi is also quite proud, “What about you?”

“You can do it! I heard about the case, but I didn’t expect you to fix it so soon!” Lu Yong glanced at Zhao Daqi in surprise, and then said proudly: “We are also OK, the case of deliberate injury in the mall. We took it down.”

The eyes of the two looking at each other were warlike. The stronger each other’s abilities, the more fighting spirit they would make, so that it makes sense to distinguish between superiors and inferior ones.

Soon, the two passed the white board.

However, just after a few steps, the two stopped almost at the same time, and then involuntarily stepped back two steps, standing next to the whiteboard, the incredible expression on their faces had lost control.


What did i see?

There were only four squadron names on the empty whiteboard yesterday, plus the special operations team that Ye Feng voluntarily added.

And now, the first squadron in charge of patrol and control has already captured and arrested a bus pickpocket.

This shouldn’t be too surprising, because they all know that the combat effectiveness of the four squadrons is actually the same, and the strength of the first squadron is also recognized by them.

However, what’s in the Ye Feng Special Operations Team below?

They have settled four cases?

In one day, six police officers arrested four people directly…

Are they still human?

Didn’t they just write it up?

No kidding!

They worked hard for a day, and the entire squadron went out to get a case. This kind of efficiency has improved a lot compared to the past.

But now compared with the Ye Feng special operations team, they are simply crushed!

What is their efficiency in solving crimes?

Zhao Daqi dealt with Ye Feng a bit more, but he knew Ye Feng’s terrifying ability, and the speed of case detection was beyond imagination.

But even if you are fast, there should be a limit, right?

With just a few police officers under your hand, it is already impressive to be able to handle a burglary case!

Can look at the back?

Actually he also caught an online chaser, caught a train station thief, and even caught a stolen stolen…

Even if you keep on arresting people, it will take a lot of time, right?

Zhao Daqi couldn’t help but look at each other with Lu Yong, and the horror in their eyes couldn’t be concealed.

Just now they were full of fighting spirit and wanted to be the top spot, but now according to this trend, they can only fight for second place!

“How did Ye Feng do it?”

“I feel sad for all the criminals in Binhai!”

Lv Yong, the captain of the third squadron, couldn’t help but shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Being a colleague with a criminal investigator like Ye Feng is really too much pressure!

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