Chapter 92

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He rushed to the Binjiang community, and the caller was already waiting at the property office.

Because the internal parking lot of Binjiang Community is free to use, the property has no responsibility, and naturally it will not provide surveillance video to others casually.

The caller took them to check the damage to the vehicle, and then several people returned to the office.

“Police officer, you have seen it too. My car was scratched when it was parked there.”

Ye Feng frowned slightly. Just now, it was a Magotan. The cost of landing was about two hundred thousand yuan. Judging from the damaged paint finish, the repair cost was at least two to three thousand yuan.

The point is that the scratches are not at all like scratched during driving. They should be scratched by someone with a hard object, as the police said.

Is it because there is a conflict with the owner of the car?

Ye Feng couldn’t help but have such doubts.

So when Fan Jingming and the property manager called for monitoring together, Ye Feng couldn’t help but ask: “Have you had a conflict with others recently?”

The owner shook his head hurriedly, “I’m just a white-collar worker. I usually go to work during the day and my neighbors can’t see a few of them. Who can I have conflicts with?”

Watching monitoring is definitely a troublesome thing. Fortunately, the time span of the ride is from yesterday evening to this morning. The time span is not long. If you play in multiples, you can still find the target very quickly.

However, not long after the surveillance video was played, several people staring at the screen shouted “stop”!

In the video, a little boy appeared, and not far behind the little boy was an old lady, obviously the grandmother was playing with his grandson in the community.

Watching the video at a slower speed, and seeing what happened next, several people couldn’t help but frown.

In the video, the little boy squatted down, picked up something that looked like a stone, then walked straight to the side of the Magotan car and struck a long line on it.

Although the video is not very clear, scratches are faintly visible.

Then the little boy smiled and threw away what was in his hand, and continued to walk forward.

bad boy!

This is the word that several people flashed in their hearts at the same time!

However, what is even more annoying is that the little boy’s grandmother watched the little boy’s movements all the time, not only did not stop her, she also smiled on her face, as if her grandson had done a great and brave thing.

Only at this moment did Ye Feng know how correct what is often mentioned on the Internet is that bear children are not scary, but the parents who indulge bear children are terrible!

The truth is clear, now just find this little boy and ask their parents to make compensation.

Several people found the little boy’s house together and knocked on the door. The child’s grandmother and father were both at home.

“We are the police. Your child scratched a car in the community yesterday evening. You need to compensate the car owner!” Fan Jingming explained his intentions straight to the point.

The old lady was obviously hesitant, and seemed to remember what happened yesterday.

But the boy’s father yelled in dissatisfaction, “My son doesn’t know how to row a car, are you mistaken?”

“The monitoring is very clear. It was your child’s plan. Grandma was there at the time. I don’t think you didn’t know it!” Ye Feng frowned.

“I don’t know!” The old lady yelled immediately, “I took my child out to play last night, but I didn’t ride the car at all. Don’t frame good people!”

Several people were choked on the spot. They saw it clearly in the video. The old lady definitely saw her grandson paddling the car, but she didn’t expect her to be so messy.

“We helped you mediate the compensation after confirming the facts, rather than investigating the process.” Ye Feng raised the volume with a serious expression, “Is it because your child did it? The truth is very clear.”

The old lady quit immediately!

“You can’t just do whatever you say, I said that my grandson didn’t paddle the car, but he didn’t paddle the car!”

The boy’s father seemed to agree with his grandmother’s statement, and glared at Ye Feng, “Why, do you think our family is very bullied?”

“Yes, anyway, what do you guys say, we just don’t pay! Love it!” The old lady pointed and pointed at Ye Feng. The appearance of the hob is really irritating.

The owner of the car probably didn’t expect this family to be such a thing, shivering with anger, “You!”

Dealing with this kind of person really makes you scratch your head…

But Ye Feng won’t get used to their faults and do wrong things, but you can’t avoid them by messing around.

Turning his head directly, signaled the owner to stay calm, not to be agitated, and then suggested.

“You can now contact 4s to determine the damage immediately, and we will issue you a civil liability judgment. You can take the judgment to the court to sue and claim compensation for damages, including litigation costs, attorney fees, lost work costs, etc., although it will cost you money. A little bit of time, but now the process has been simplified, and you will be able to get compensation soon!”

Although most people find it troublesome and unwilling to go to court to prosecute, prosecution is often the best and most direct option, especially when encountering such rascals.

If you win the case, the court will enforce it.

Hearing Ye Feng’s words, the owner nodded. He also knew that in this kind of civil case, the police can do so much, and the police do not have the right to demand compensation.

However, at this time the mother and son became excited as if they were stepped on their tails.

“Why do you, the policeman, favor him?”

“Are you accepting black-hearted money?”

“You even instigated him to sue us, what right do you have?”

“Are you bullying people like this?”

“Believe it or not, I will find a TV station to expose you!”

The old lady relied on her old age and relied on the old to sell her, and she reached out to grab Ye Feng’s clothes.

Ye Feng unceremoniously opened her stretched hand and said coldly: “The law enforcement recorder on my body can be turned on. If you attack a policeman, you are not old enough to be exempt from criminal punishment!”

The old lady’s son had a dark face, gritted his teeth, “I’m going to check the car, and also check the surveillance. If it wasn’t for my son, I would never finish with you!”

The group returned to the property office and re-introduced the monitoring. In front of the truth, even if the mother and daughter wanted to quibble, they couldn’t quibble.

Then, when they came to the parking lot, the damage assessor from the 4s shop also arrived. After checking the scratches, they determined that the repair cost was 3,400 yuan.

Hearing this price, the boy’s father’s face became even more ugly.

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