Chapter 241

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The man was frightened by Ye Feng and couldn't hold it anymore, and he started to tremble when sitting there.

He didn't expect this crime to be so serious!

Didn't it mean that no case should be filed for less than two thousand?

Every time I blackmailed, it didn't reach two thousand!

How many extortions can be combined together for processing?

This is not fair!

In other words, he was really confused!

This is not the same as the result he had checked on the Internet!

"I...I...Can I return the money to them and not go to jail?" He stammered for a long time and said such a sentence.

Ye Feng almost didn't laugh out loud.

Now that I don’t want to go to jail, what did I do?

Zhou Yuyang curled his lips next to him and said, "What you can do now is to cooperate in explaining all crimes as soon as possible, and you can be considered lenient, otherwise, we may be punished if we have the evidence."

Obviously, this man doesn't have such a strong psychological quality, he doesn't need to be scared, he just explained it all by himself!

I don't have a proper job, and I don't want to work. I saw a report about scalloped wool from the Internet again. After being inspired, it was out of control.

Specially operate on this platform to brush negative reviews, and then find the boss to blackmail money.

Not much once, a few hundred to more than a thousand, anyway, it is less than 2,000 yuan. He felt that as long as the value of the case was not enough for filing a case each time, he would not break the law.

Don't say, it's really fast to get money like this!

And because you must consume the bad reviews first, there is nothing missing in his family now!

Preliminary statistics, excluding him from scalping his wool, just brushing bad reviews on various platforms and then extorting them, he has made more than 100,000 yuan in the past two years.

For him, this is also considered lucky!

If you don’t get caught this time, and wait for a while, if the value of the case exceeds 20w, it will be classified into the category of "extraordinarily huge amount", and you will start with ten-year imprisonment directly!

The interrogation is basically over, and Ye Feng still doesn't need to worry about the rest of the work. The internal policemen at Wanshuihe Police Station are busy again!

"A Feng, are you rushing to let us all work overtime today?"

Liu Jie said very resentfully.

You know, as a registered police officer, Sister Liu will definitely come up when other in-house police officers are too busy to come.

Obviously their police station has to work overtime tonight!

Even speaking, if Ye Feng continues to deal with the police according to this efficiency, I am afraid they will be very busy in the next few days.

Ye Feng couldn't help but smile, he really likes this rhythm!

As for the internal policemen working overtime, what else can't be solved by a big meal?

If so, two meals!


The inside of the police station is already busy, and what they fear most now is to receive an alarm call from the command center.

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