Chapter 228

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This time, Ye Feng was very happy to be able to return to Wanshuihe Police Station to help Wanshuihe Police Station, his own family, handle the case.

That night, when Ye Feng sent Li Yanfei home, he was a little proud to tell Li Yanfei about the matter.

Li Yanfei was actually more surprised than Ye Feng!

She works longer than Ye Feng, so she knows the complicated procedures involved.

But I don't want to think that this time the city council is so courageous and so brave to change!

But I have to admit that this linkage mechanism is indeed very thoughtful and creative.

It is impossible for the Criminal Investigation Brigade to have big cases every day, and there is always time for the police officers to relax a little bit.

At this time, Ye Feng went to the police station to contact the police station, which would not delay the work of the criminal investigation team, but also improve the combat effectiveness of the police station.

After all, the police station is the most direct unit to deal with criminals. It can improve the work efficiency of the police station and solve the contradiction to a large extent.

If the trial at the Wanshuihe Police Station is successful, it will probably be popularized in the city soon.

There is no doubt that Ye Feng is about to become a man of the world again. In the next period of time, many people will focus on Ye Feng to examine the pros and cons of the linkage mechanism.

What makes Li Yanfei want to laugh most is that Ye Feng is the real elite from Wanshuihe Police Station.

There are no obstacles to integrating into work!

I am afraid that when Ye Feng enters the working state, everyone will be shocked again!

After all, Ye Feng's internship at the police station can make him a first-class existence!

"Then help me take it later, I really miss them!" Ye Feng said with a smile, Li Yanfei.

Not to mention, Li Yanfei really looks a bit like colleagues at the Wanshuihe Police Station.

She doesn't have the slightest princess temperament, and she gets along very well with her colleagues, especially with sister Liu, another registered policeman, which can be described as a good girlfriend.

Even speaking, Li Yanfei was able to follow Ye Feng to the Criminal Investigation Brigade boldly and actively, and the two eventually became married, perhaps because of Liu Jie's ridicule.

If it were not for busy work, Li Yanfei would also be very willing to go back to Wanshuihe Police Station to visit relatives.

"Well, I will ¨々!" Ye Feng frowned slightly and said with a sigh: "The Wanshuihe Police Station has not done very well recently, and has been criticized by the sub-bureaus several times."

Li Yanfei obviously also knew about this, and she didn't know everything about the Wanshuihe Police Station, but she was also very concerned.

Speaking of, when Ye Feng was still at the Wanshuihe Police Station, the Wanshuihe Police Station was simply a star among the city's grassroots police stations. All indicators were far ahead and were once established as a model.

However, with Ye Feng's transfer, and the recent director Li Bin's new appointment, the relative popularity of the police station has fluctuated, and the already stretched police force problem has also become serious.

Coupled with the approaching new year, some security incidents are prone to appear on the market.

This led to problems with the Wanshuihe police station's work, which was criticized by the sub-bureau.

"Since you are now in charge of the Wanshuihe Police Station linkage pilot, I believe you will be able to reverse the unfavorable situation." Li Yanfei smiled very well, the kind from the heart, obviously she is full of confidence in Ye Feng.

Ye Feng is indeed very confident. If he does his own pilot, he must do his best. He also hopes that the Wanshuihe Police Station will get better and better, not more and more desperate.

He has made up his mind, anyway, there is no case at hand for the time being, he will report to the Wanshuihe Police Station early tomorrow morning, and strive to change the status of the Wanshuihe Police Station as soon as possible.

The New Year is getting closer and closer, time does not wait for me!

There must be a new outlook years ago!

However, Ye Feng is anxious, but some people are more anxious than Ye Feng.

After sending Li Yanfei, Ye Feng received a call as soon as he returned to his home.

The call was made by Liu Cheng, director of the Wanshuihe Police Station.

After Li Bin was transferred to the branch, Liu Cheng took over as the director of the police station. The position of the instructor Liu Tianming has not changed.

"A Feng, I know that Li's pilot program has passed before leaving. This is really great!" Liu Cheng's voice was extremely excited.

Ye Feng couldn't help but smile: "Should I congratulate Liu Suo first?"

"Don't! Now I am ashamed!" Liu Cheng said with a little shame: "The great situation left by Li Suo when he left, but now I have made a mess of it. I feel sorry for Li Suo."

"Don't be so pessimistic!" Ye Feng smiled and comforted Liu Cheng and said, "`~This is not your problem. As long as this critical period is passed smoothly, you will find that it is actually not that troublesome."

"A Feng, since the documents have been down, when will you come to guide the work?" This is Liu Cheng's most urgent question.

"Don't say anything about guiding the work, you make me feel ashamed!" Ye Feng waved his hand and said: "Li's proposal is essentially to strengthen the communication between the grassroots police station and the criminal investigation team, so as to facilitate the work. Better coordination."

Liu Cheng said anxiously: "Anyway, anyway, you come to contact for work is my happiest thing. When are you free?"

"Tomorrow!" Ye Feng said with a smile: "I will be there tomorrow morning."

But before Ye Feng could say anything, Liu Cheng on the other end of the phone "snapped" and hung up, making Ye Feng stunned, but he knew that Liu Cheng must be agitated.

Can't help but want to laugh, tomorrow must be interesting.

(Good job)

I don’t know if the residents of the jurisdiction have forgotten that there was a handsome policeman in the police station?

Wake up early the next day, Ye Feng hurried out of the house before the morning peak came.

Because the villa area is a bit far away from the Wanshuihe Police Station, Ye Feng doesn't want to be blocked on the road early in the morning.

During that traffic jam, catch two more suspects, okay?

Before the official time for work, Ye Feng had already arrived at the familiar Wanshuihe Police Station.

It hasn't been long since he came here last time. After being transferred from the Wanshuihe Police Station, he and Li Yanfei also visited their relatives.

And also helped Wanshuihe Police Station solve the case!

So there is no strangeness at all!

Entering the police station compound, Ye Feng couldn't help but feel a little emotional!

I'm back again!

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