Chapter 126

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Suddenly, Jin Feng stopped digging and shouted fiercely.

“Team Zhao, there are corpses below!”

Several team members immediately surrounded them, their expressions paled in horror.

Ye Feng looked at it fiercely, and found that the place where Jin Feng dug revealed human arms and bodies. Although they were not fully exposed, they were definitely corpses.

“Change a small shovel to dig, remember to wear gloves!” Zhao Daqi quickly reminded, “A Feng, call the forensic doctor in the team to come quickly, and also notify Li Xu’s parents to come and identify the corpse.”

“Oh, by the way, let the search and rescue personnel who enter the mountain go down the mountain as soon as possible!”

Ye Feng took out his handcuffs and directly handcuffed the owner of the farmyard to a cherry tree trunk before he took out the phone and called back to the team.

If not unexpected, the body should be Li Xu.

As for why Li Xu’s body appeared here, no matter whether the owner of the farmyard was the murderer or not, he would definitely not be able to escape.

Of course, the biggest possibility is that the owner of the farmyard killed Li Xu for some reason and then buried his body here.

Soon, several police officers had completely exhumed the body.

Ye Feng is proficient in forensic medicine, so he stepped forward and observed it carefully.

“The cornea of ​​the eye is highly turbid, and the death time is more than 48 hours.”

“Rotting green spots and rotting vascular network appear on the body, and the time of death is 48-72 hours.”

“The view of the rotting giant has not yet appeared, and the death time is within 72 hours.”

“So it is inferred that the time of death of the deceased is between 48 hours and 72 hours, which is in line with the inference of the time when Li Xu was killed and lost contact.”

“More precise and specific time of death requires further judgment by forensic doctors through professional equipment.”

In the absence of more instruments and can only be inferred from appearances, Ye Feng gave his own conclusions.

Zhao Daqi glanced at Ye Feng in surprise, but didn’t want Ye Feng to have such a solid foundation in forensic medicine.

You must know that although forensic science is one of the most important capabilities of criminal investigation to some extent, because the police force is now more specialized and has specialized forensic doctors to do these tasks, many police officers will not pay too much attention to these. .

However, after Ye Feng just graduated to work, he has been able to use forensic medicine so solidly and flexibly in actual cases, which is really surprising.

It seems that Ye Feng has been able to solve major cases repeatedly not only because of his almost enchanting thinking, but also because of his solid professional knowledge.

Zhao Daqi can’t help but sigh, genius knows how to work hard, so there is really no reason to be unsuccessful.

Turning his head to the owner of the farmyard, Zhao Daqi said coldly: “Can you tell me why there are dead bodies in your backyard?”

At this time, the owner of the farmhouse had already lost his soul, like a walking dead, and even Zhao He didn’t seem to hear him.

“Team Zhao, let’s start the interrogation directly here!” Ye Feng suggested: “And I think we can dig the entire backyard three feet, I think, there is definitely more than one corpse here!”

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