Chapter 169

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When he woke up in the morning, Ye Feng was a little confused for the first time, almost forgot where he was, thinking he had crossed.

Then he burst into laughter and remembered that he had moved into Villa No. 7 in Biyuan Yeshu.

After a brief cleaning, Ye Feng ran to Li Yanfei’s house and picked Li Yanfei to work with her.

Li Yanfei’s mother now saw Ye Feng as if she had actually met her son-in-law, and her mouth was grinning.

Although the old husband has already admitted Ye Feng, he wants him to talk to Ye Feng without even thinking about it.

After Li Yanfei dressed up, she was a little dazed to see Ye Feng, and she couldn’t help but feel agitated.

“You have so many cases every day, so busy with work, you can sleep more when you have time, take a good rest, why come all the way to pick me up!”

Although it is grotesque, Ye Feng can feel the concern in his tone.

He smiled lightly and said, “I will talk to you in detail when I come back tonight.”

After getting in the car, before Ye Feng started the car, Li Yanfei pinched Ye Feng’s waist.

“Say, are you hiding something from me?” The current Li Yanfei, just like a little tiger, bared her teeth fiercely.

Ye Feng hurriedly begged for mercy, “My benefactor, forgive me, I just bought the villa here, and I have moved in. It will only take two minutes to go out to your house!”

“Huh!” Li Yanfei grunted her mouth and let Ye Feng go.

But Li Yanfei was surprised because Ye Feng’s speed was so fast.

Yesterday I helped him find a villa, but he moved in today. How could it be so efficient?

But when I think of Ye Feng’s asset energy, I feel relieved. After all, many things are very easy to solve with money.

Li Yanfei became happy, and she was very happy when she thought that she could commute with Ye Feng every day and spend more time together.

It’s just that she may have forgotten that Ye Feng’s work is doomed to normal commuting hours may only exist in theory.

If you really want to get busy, it’s not impossible not to go home for a few days.

At the Criminal Investigation Brigade, Ye Feng and Li Yanfei separated and returned to the special operations team office.

At this time, several team members were already in place, looking at Ye Feng with an expression of expectation.

Obviously, he is waiting for Ye Feng to assign tasks.

There are a group of screaming soldiers, probably this is the feeling.

However, only one case was assigned to the special operations team just now. It would be a bit wasteful if six people were dispatched in a group, so Ye Feng just thought about it.

“Let’s do it! Luo Yang, today, at home, you can look through the files of unsettled cases in previous years to see if there is a possibility of breaking through, and then make preparations, and put it into action when we come back. Of course, you can also lead a team to patrol the street, just Like yesterday, you can decide for yourself.”

Luo Yang thought for a while and felt that if he rushed to touch the unsuccessful cases of previous years, it might be a gray nose, so he immediately said: “Let’s go to the streets. I think we will definitely be able to bring back two thieves today.”

Ye Feng couldn’t help but laugh, really think that a thief is so easy to get caught?

After assigning the work, Ye Feng took Wang Hongliang and Li Wenle out and went straight to the hospital.

Why go to the hospital?

Yesterday there was an intentional wounding case, and now the wounded is lying in the hospital.

After the case happened, it was the police from the police station, but the injured had already ran away and the police station was unable to pursue the case, so the case was handed over.

Finally, the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Municipal Bureau took over the case, and Zhao He was assigned to Ye Feng’s special operations team.

Ye Feng only knew the general idea, saying that he was violently beaten as if he was kind to save others, and then the beater ran away.

This kind of well-intentioned unrequited thing rarely happens, and it is the first time Ye Feng has seen it.

He rushed to the hospital and found the ward where the wounded was. The three knocked on the door and filed in.

On the hospital bed was a young man, about 20 years old, with a bandage on his head, his exposed face was blue and purple, and his abdomen was also wrapped in a thick bandage.

If the bandage is wrapped a little more, Ye Feng believes that he is a mummy.

It seems that the hitters have a special hate!

“Hello, I am Ye Feng from the Criminal Investigation Brigade. These two are my colleagues. We are here to find out the specific situation so that we can catch the suspect as soon as possible.”

Ye Feng and the escort nodded, then took out the pen and notebook, ready to record.

The escort was a young man of the same age as the injured, and suddenly he spoke out of righteous indignation.

“He was kind to save people, but he was beaten like this. Police officers must catch them and send them to prison!”

Ye Feng nodded insignificantly, and then asked, “What is your relationship?”

“He is my classmate, we are students of Binhai Normal University, and we live in a dormitory.”

It turned out to be a college student!

I can’t help but frown slightly. If things go wrong, the school will show up for the students, and the impact will be hard to say.

“Can you tell me more about what happened?” Ye Feng leaned over and lowered his head to ask the lying wounded.

“That’s it, police officer!”

“Yesterday I went as a tutor, and when I rode my bike to the intersection of Yueshan Road, I saw a little boy running on the road to play!”

“There are cars coming and going there, which is very dangerous. I was worried that the child would have an accident, so I stopped the car and took the little boy on the main road to the pedestrian road next to him.”

“Then I looked around to see if there was a little boy’s family nearby.”

“At this moment, a woman rushed over and directly took the little boy away.”

“Then I didn’t care, and I was about to leave, but at this moment two men suddenly rushed over from a short distance.”

“I couldn’t help but started beating me. I didn’t know what happened, so I was beaten.”

“I feel like I was almost dying.”

“Later it seemed that a passerby helped to stop them, and then I was taken to the hospital.”

“Police officer, they are really too cruel, too Damn it, you must catch them!”

“Also, police officer, my classmates gathered together to help me advance the money for my hospitalization. If you catch them, you must first let them pay for my medical expenses.”

As he spoke, the older boy couldn’t help crying.

Suddenly encountered such an inexplicable blow, no one can stand it!

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