Chapter 199

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Back to the Criminal Investigation Brigade, Ye Feng found that the entire Criminal Investigation Brigade was preparing vigorously. Obviously, the big action at night made everyone nervous.

Ye Feng came to Zhao He's office, knocked on the door and entered.

"Boss! Do you still act with the SWAT team at night?" Ye Feng asked a little bit wanting to laugh.

In the last mighty big operation, so many people were pulled out, and they squatted all night, but finally found out that it was fake inside information.

It's really embarrassing.

Maybe the special police brigade has quite a bit of criticism over there.

Ye Feng's words made Zhao He's expression a bit subtle. If it weren't for his dark skin, I'm afraid he can see the blush now.

"The special police brigade will still participate, but the criminal investigation squadrons of the three branches will not participate." Zhao He replied with a light cough.

Ye Feng also nodded, really don't need to be so inspiring.

He estimated that the total number of the two gangs would be 20 or 30 people at most, or maybe even less.

The police dispatched hundreds of people to block them, which seemed unnecessary.

There are two squadrons in the special police brigade, plus the manpower of the criminal investigation brigade, which is almost enough.

After all, the worst-case scenario is a merger. Once the two gangs know that they are surrounded, there is still a high probability that they will surrender directly.

After a few more conversations, Ye Feng left Zhao He's office and returned to his office to prepare with the team members.

At about nine o'clock in the evening, the members of the Criminal Investigation Brigade began to gather and prepare for action.

As usual, they were fully armed, confiscated communication equipment, and then all drove private cars to the place of operation.

Wang Hao drove Ye Feng's Cullinan, which was extremely conspicuous in the fleet. There is such a luxury car among ordinary private cars in Yishui, which naturally makes people can't help but take a look.

But at this time, no one had the mind to think about Cullinan. The rare big action made everyone feel like an enemy.

Looking at the direction of the team, Ye Feng probably knew it.

The last big operation was to set up an ambush in Yujia Fishing Village, and this time, even if it was not in Yujia Fishing Village, it was probably nearby.

Ye Feng didn't know where Zhao He got the information from, but the locations of the two transactions were almost the same.

Is this credible?

So Ye Feng has been monitoring the movements of criminal gangs through detection glasses.

If the final transaction location of the criminal gang is not Yujia Fishing Village, then Ye Feng may really have to single-handedly arrest people.

He kept praying that Zhao He's internal intelligence should never show up again.

However, what I am afraid of is coming.

Before the convoy arrived at Yujia Fishing Village, the criminal gang that had been nesting in Tangfang Village was dispatched.

And the direction they were dispatched was surprisingly two opposite directions from Yujia Fishing Village!

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