Chapter 143

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This is how the case went through.

After closing the shop, Jiang Yi, the female owner of the clothing store, took the turnover of the past few days and prepared to go to the bank to deposit money. She was kidnapped to a hidden place on the road and murdered and robbed her of her money.

The method of committing the crime was very bad, Jiang Yi was cut to death by the gangster with a dagger.

The discovery of Jiang Yi’s body the next day caused a lot of panic in the small town.

The masses talked a lot, and the impact of the incident was very bad!

The Criminal Investigation Squadron of Wuhai Sub-bureau directly took over. The police officers did a lot of detective work, but after three days they still found nothing.

The whole town is already panicking, and it’s up until now that there is no one on the street just in the evening.

In desperation, the Wuhai branch reported to the city bureau, and the city bureau set up a task force in order to complete the investigation of the case as soon as possible.

Otherwise, when Moon River Town might return to calm!

You know, Yuehe Town has not had a major case for ten consecutive years, and I dare not say that the house is not closed at night, but the public security is one of the best in the entire Binhai.

After learning about the case in the car, Ye Feng felt sorry for the deceased, but his mentality was fairly peaceful.

Although the throat cut case looks scary to ordinary people, in the eyes of criminal police, it is actually just an ordinary murder case.

In essence, cutting the throat is not much different from stabbing the stomach with a knife, and it is completely different from the case of corpse smashing.

Perhaps the murderer didn’t think about it so much, but just went hand in hand.

However, since the entire Wuhai Criminal Investigation Squadron has been busy for several days without any clue, then the case is really not easy.

With modern detection techniques becoming more and more advanced, once a tricky case appears, it means that the case is extremely complicated, as if it is covered with a layer of fog, which makes people puzzled.

Without too many useful clues, it is simply difficult to complete the investigation of the case.

“Let’s take one step and look one step at a time ¨~!” Ye Feng thought.

At this time, Zhao Daqi suddenly spoke.

“Afeng, I went to the Wuhai branch and gave me a good performance. I must take the case and let the Wuhai Criminal Investigation Squadron see how strong our Criminal Investigation Brigade No. 2 Squadron is!”

When Zhao Daqi said this, he actually gave people a feeling of irritation, as if he had been crippled in the Wuhai Criminal Investigation Squadron.

Can’t help but wonder, Ye Feng really doesn’t know what kind of relationship or discord between the Second Squadron of the Criminal Investigation Squadron of the Municipal Bureau and the Criminal Investigation Squadron of the Wuhai Sub-bureau.

Although it was possible that the two squadrons could be linked together when the city bureau took the lead in setting up the task force, if the relationship between the two squadrons is really bad for some reason, Zhao He should not let the second squadron come out. For this mission.

So this is very strange!

At this moment, Wang Hongliang quietly covered his mouth and explained it to Ye Feng in Ye Feng’s ear.

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