Chapter 80

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Looking at Liu Cheng, who feels deeply powerless, Ye Feng has no reason not to help!

As a grassroots police station leader, Liu Cheng’s daily work Ye Feng is in his eyes.

He devoted himself to work and couldn’t care about his family. He devoted himself wholeheartedly to protect the people as much as he could.

He deserves his respect.

If you don’t have the ability, don’t say it. Since you have the ability now, there is no reason not to help.

“Liu Suo, if it is the Prince’s Middle School, then I think I should be able to help.”

Ye Feng smiled at Liu Chengdao.

Liu Cheng raised his head abruptly when he heard the words, surprised.

It suddenly occurred to him that Ye Feng’s family conditions are undoubtedly rich or expensive, and he can afford to drive Cullinan, which is obviously not an ordinary family, maybe it can really help him.

However, the Prince’s Middle School does not seem to give face to the rich. It is said that many people who want to enter the Prince’s Middle School for spending money are rejected.

“Do you know the senior management of the Prince Group?”

Liu Cheng only thought of such a possibility. After all, in addition to strict requirements for grades, only the children or relatives of the management of the Prince Group have the opportunity to enroll.

Ye Feng shook his head and chuckled: “Liu Suo, you don’t have to worry about that. Tomorrow you will ask your sister-in-law to take the children directly to the principal of Prince Middle School, and then mention my name. I think it shouldn’t be a big problem. Call me right away.”

How can I say that I have 40% of the shares of Wang Zi Middle School, so it is not a problem to arrange a child to enroll in it!

Liu Cheng was so excited that he rubbed his hands vigorously, not knowing what to say.

He didn’t believe Ye Feng would entertain himself in this kind of thing.

In other words, his daughter can go to Prince’s Middle School?

A man who never screamed for pain turned his eyes red at this moment.

Ye Feng also felt for the first time that the system rewards he received were meaningful!

“Thank you, I won’t say more!” Liu Cheng shook Ye Feng’s hand and said with great gratitude: “I know you can’t stay at the police station in the future, but no matter where you are transferred in the future, as long as you say a word, I am willing to define it!”


After returning home from duty, Ye Feng really felt very tired. Only in the middle of the night last night, he sat in his seat and squinted for a short time.

I can get a good night’s sleep today!

I parked the car and entered the elevator to prepare to go upstairs. At this time, a family of three also entered the elevator. The couple was in their 30s. They were holding a little girl, who looked like she had just started elementary school.

Out of politeness, Ye Feng smiled and nodded.

The opposite couple also smiled.

But at this time, the little girl suddenly widened the lovely Karanci’s eyes, “Wow! Uncle, you are so handsome!”

It was the first time Ye Feng was praised by a little girl for being handsome. He couldn’t help but laughed out loud.

The opposing couple also laughed because of their daughter’s childishness. Of course, they also think that her daughter is right. Ye Feng is indeed very handsome!

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