Chapter 243

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Ye Feng naturally knows this clause, but as an enforcer, he will not take the initiative to find ways to exonerate others.

Only the girl can speak out on her own initiative!

Ye Feng smiled, "If you, as a victim, choose to forgive his snatching behavior, then he may be exempt from criminal punishment."

His words suddenly let the boy see hope.

"Miss sister, I really don't mean to rob or hurt you. I really just want to know you. Please forgive me!"

The boy's words made the girl blush, and she seemed a little embarrassed.

After all, with so many people watching, it's normal for girls to be shy.

Seeing that there were too many onlookers, Ye Feng waved his hand and said, "Let's go, no matter what, we need to deal with it in the club."

As he said, he got into the police car first.

Zhou Yuyang took the boy into the police car and got into the car driven by Li Hao.

When the two police cars drove away, the crowds onlookers dispersed unfinishedly, and it was obvious that the excitement hadn't been seen enough.

"The young people nowadays are so bold!"

"Yeah, a good thing almost turns into a bad thing!"

"If you really go to jail for a few years, your life will be ruined!"

"I have to go back and tell my son, next time I want to talk to girls, don't use such extreme methods!"

"Today can really be a long time to see!"

While everyone was leaving, there were still lively discussions. This kind of weird thing is rare.

And here Ye Feng they soon returned to the police station.

Now as long as they reach an understanding, then the problem is not big.

Ye Feng also didn't want a good young man to send himself to jail just because of his brain abuse.

The rest is very simple. Under Ye Feng's mediation, the two signed a letter of understanding and made the transcript, and Ye Feng let them go.

Of course, before letting go, Ye Feng had educate the boy well.

It’s okay for you to think arrogantly, but before you act, you must first think about the consequences.

If it doesn't work, you can study law!

This is Ye Feng's last advice to the boy.

After sending away a few people, Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and the police at the police station also breathed a sigh of relief.

Because when Ye Feng and they handcuffed the boy in, they thought that the boy was finished!

It's not that I feel sorry because the boy is handsome and handsome, but if the boy really breaks the law, then it is equivalent to Ye Feng arresting another person.

Then they will continue to work overtime again!

This is the most terrible!

It looks okay now, the people have been let go, and their tasks have not increased.

Ye Feng felt the relief of his colleagues and couldn't help but laugh or cry.

Calculating carefully, I didn't really arrest a few people today. Although I dealt with a lot of police cases, only one really arrested.

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