Chapter 111

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“A Feng? What did these two little ghosts do?”

“You got it back at such a young age?”

It’s no wonder that the colleagues were surprised. They all thought that the two boys were brought back by Ye Feng because of something bad.

After all, Ye Feng had kept the record of catching suspects when he went out. Now that he brought two children back, it is estimated that these two children must have done nothing~good deeds.

And now Ye Feng and the two children are all wet, they are very spontaneously-brain repaired.

Two little ghosts were met by Ye Feng when they were doing bad things. Ye Feng shouted to stop them from making mistakes. The two children ran away in fright, and Ye Feng was chasing after them.

Seeing that they couldn’t run away, the last two children jumped into the river as soon as they gritted their teeth.

It’s just that the two children still don’t know Ye Feng’s reputation. Is he the one who can let off the suspect casually?

Ye Feng jumped into the water with a “plop” without saying a word, picked up the two little ghosts, and then took them back to the police station.

This is how they replenish their brains.

At this time, the two children panicked when they heard the police’s question.

Didn’t we just fall into the water?

This is also illegal?

However, without waiting for their brains to make up, Ye Feng handed them over to the internal police.

“These two little guys fell into the river just now. I saved them easily. First, I took them to change clothes to avoid catching a cold, and then I quickly called their family members.”

Although Ye Feng’s physical fitness is very good, but the wet clothes are hooped on his body, it is very uncomfortable. After an explanation, he hurried to change his clothes.

The police suddenly realized that they were falling into the water!

After all, it wasn’t just caught back!

Children are the future of the motherland. No one wants to see children break the law and commit crimes. It is good for them to do nothing bad.

After a while, the families of the two children ran to the police station in a panic, and even the school teachers came.

He almost died after falling into the water, but this is a big deal.

Feelings. The two children sneaked out of the school to play by the river at noon. The teacher didn’t know, and the parents didn’t know. If they drowned, they might not find their bodies.

Finally, the parents thanked their children and left.

Ye Feng seems to have seen what Li Bin, the director, specially told.

It is estimated that I want parents to go home and educate their children!

These two bear kids should really be beaten.

Especially the latter one who actively dives.

If he is Ye Feng’s child, then Ye Feng must be beaten three times a day!

Although it is a good thing to talk about loyalty, should you be more flexible in your mind?

Are you a jumper who can’t swim, are you planning to accompany your little friend on the road?

This is really loyal!


After sending away the two bear children and their parents, Ye Feng turned and entered the police station.

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