Chapter 131

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In the thankfulness of the boy’s mother, Ye Feng waved his sleeves and left without taking away a cloud.

However, some onlookers recorded Ye Feng’s entire process of climbing stairs to save people, and then posted it on the Internet.

The network was detonated all at once!

“My goodness, this ~ is a spiderman, right?”

“Sure enough, they are still good people-many, give the hero a thumbs up!”

“I want to be a hero too, but I find that I can’t climb up at all-go!”

“The little boy is really fate, and the bear kid is too naughty!”


Of course, because only the back can be recorded, everyone did not see Ye Feng’s appearance.

However, after Li Yanfei, who was scanning the social app, saw this video, her eyes became weird.

Then he called Ye Feng directly.

“Afeng, it’s not you who climbed to the fourth floor to save people, right?” Li Yanfei asked anxiously.

Watching the video was really thrilling. She was very worried about Ye Feng’s injury.

Ye Feng just went home to go to bed, and was surprised when she received a call from Li Yanfei.

“How did you know?”

Li Yanfei said irritably: “The videos are going crazy online!”

“Then I am not handsome in saving people?” Ye Feng smiled.

Li Yanfei chuckled and said, “How handsome is that handsome! You are about to shrink into a ball on top of it, saying that you are one-and-a-half meters tall!”

“Are you hurt?” Li Yanfei only remembered and asked with concern.

“Of course not. With my skill, even if I climb 30 floors, I still walk on the ground!”

The two talked for a long time before hanging up.

Ye Feng suddenly remembered that the system gave himself a reward just now when he rescued someone.

But because it was too messy at the time, Ye Feng didn’t have the time to check it. Now it’s time to see what he has gained.

Not to mention, this kind of reward for saving lives is no less than for arresting ordinary criminal suspects.

The justice value is 40 and the cash reward is 100w. Although there is no skill reward, Ye Feng also knows that the system cannot give him skill rewards for every case.

Of course, when it comes to rewards, the burial case of the donkey is the most lucrative. This is also the most serious case that Ye Feng said was detected.

The justice value rewards 700, cash 2000w, and the property right of an office building in the city, which is an entire office building.

Although the city is not as well-developed as the coastal area, the housing prices in the city center are not low, and the value of an entire office building is at least several hundred million.

Ye Feng feels that he has really become a godly boss now.

However, Ye Feng has never thoroughly explored how the system makes his money and assets reasonable.

After all, the system itself is not very reasonable.

But Ye Feng wants to know a bit now, so he can’t help but ask the system for an explanation.

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