Chapter 201

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Ye Feng immediately lurked behind a house closest to the beach at the end of the village and secretly observed it.

By the sea, there are two groups of men and horses standing side by side, looking like they are facing each other.

I can only look at it vaguely. What makes Ye Feng's eyes dim is that there are a lot of people on both sides!

Originally, Ye Feng thought that there were ten people on a Mercedes-Benz car or a commercial vehicle. This was the number of people with a big mole on the nose.

But what I didn't expect is that now both sides have at least 15 people on either side, which is definitely considered a large-scale criminal gang.

He realized that he might still underestimate their energy a bit!

But now the arrow is on the line and I have to send it out. No matter how large the number of criminal gangs is, there is no reason to shrink back.

Ye Feng quietly made a gesture to Wang Hao behind him. Judging from the current situation, Wang Hao and the 6-member special police brigade are the real main force.

Although the special operations team and the second squadron are good at solving crimes, this kind of action, which is already similar to military operations, is not their strong point.

After receiving instructions, Wang Hao immediately contacted Zhao He and reported the situation here, and then began to arrange for the members of the operation to move forward steadily and covertly, and slowly approached.

After receiving the telescope from Wang Haoliang, Ye Feng needs to have absolute control over the scene, so he must observe the smallest detail.

What makes people feel very uncomfortable is that the guys in the hands of these two groups are not simple.

Except for the boss and a few bosses, all the other boys are holding automatic rifles, which are extremely powerful.

In contrast, the pistols in the hands of police officers are far inferior to the weapons of criminal gangs in terms of range and lethality.

In the case of a head-on conflict, the police officers will definitely suffer a big loss. Even if the SWAT team finally wins, the casualties of the police will definitely not be small.

Although, it is inevitable that there will be sacrifices when arresting criminals.

But if it can be avoided, why let your brothers bleed!

Ye Feng's purpose is not only to catch criminals, but also to ensure the safety of brothers.

This is what he promised Zhao He to bring back the police officers of the Criminal Investigation Brigade intact!

"Wang Hao, what do you think we should act?"

Ye Feng is not blindly arrogant just because he is the team leader. He knows that Wang Hao has more experience than him in this kind of action.

Wang Hao couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"If arrests are to be carried out, no matter what method we adopt, we dare not say that we will be able to capture them all, and our people are also in danger."

Ye Feng nodded when he heard the words, his opinion was the same as Wang Hao.

But Ye Feng is also thinking, is it necessary to catch alive in this operation?

With so many people in the two criminal gangs, once they resisted, the consequences would really not be imagined.

Although they can continue to squat here and wait for the arrival of the large forces, no one knows how quickly these two criminal gangs will complete the transaction and then vacillate.

You know, the big army is not close to here!

If the large forces have not yet come, and the two criminal gangs have already escaped, wouldn't the action be another empty shot?

After thinking about it, Ye Feng gritted his teeth and decided to take an adventure.

"Wang Hao, you and the special police brigade team are in ambush, ready to shoot!"

"I lurked a little closer for a while, and then called them to put down their weapons and raise their hands and surrender!"

"If they really do this, Luo Yang, you take our people out to control the scene."

"If they don't surrender but instead stubbornly resist, then Wang Hao, you can throw two flashes over, and then shoot with the special police team to save lives as much as possible."

"Do you understand me?"

Wang Hao and Luo Yang nodded, this is undoubtedly the most secure plan at present.

The three of them looked at each other with firm eyes, then Ye Feng quickly changed positions and sneaked behind the abandoned houses diagonally opposite.

At this moment, getting closer to the seaside criminal gang, Ye Feng felt that he could even hear the hidden murderous conversation between them.

However, it is not the time to think about this at all. Ye Feng took out his pistol, opened the insurance, clenched his hands tightly, and his heartbeat began to accelerate again and again.

"Raise your hand, you are already surrounded!"

Ye Feng took a deep breath, and then yelled 0...

This majestic and sharp shout broke the silence in the middle of the night, and felt that even several sleeping birds were frightened, flapping their wings and flew away in panic.

The two criminal gangs in the transaction were also completely taken aback by the sudden shouts. Although they had increased their vigilance during the transaction, they were more directed at each other than the police.

Almost everyone's subconscious reaction is to look in the direction of the sound, but they can't see Ye Feng who hasn't appeared yet.

"Dammit, how come the slip!"

"Did you bring it here?"

"I think I came with you, right!"

The bosses of the two gangs have already begun to glare, but they also know that it is not the time to pursue these matters.

How to escape the arrest of the police is the key.

"Let go of your weapons, hold your head with your hands, don't be obsessed with comprehension and resistance!"

"I only count to three!"

"After the three counts, we will carry out indiscriminate coverage shooting!"

"Repeat, after the three counts, we will perform indiscriminate coverage shooting!"


Ye Feng's voice appeared again, and the voice heard in everyone's ears, but it seemed to be a reminder of life.

The two bosses glanced at each other, and the fierce light in their eyes could not hide.

"Hurry up and find a cover, I don't believe they can really catch us!"

An old man shouted loudly, but it made the little brothers who were in panic as if they had found the backbone, and started to run to find cover.

It's just that they seem to have forgotten a little.

They are on the beach by the sea, with trees and houses not short in front, and the sea behind them. It is not easy to find a bunker quickly.

Seeing this, Ye Feng knew that the two gangs didn't plan to capture them at all, so there was no need to count them down. He shouted out the command: "Shoot!"

Almost in an instant, the six members of the special police brigade that had already ambush fired!

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