Chapter 83

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“The kidnappers asked to reach the side of the road downstairs in the Qianda Building. Team Luo, take people to the vicinity to take control!” Ye Feng told Luo Hui the location the kidnappers had said.

However, Ye Feng believes that this location is probably only used by the kidnappers to confuse people, rather than a real ransom location.

In a typical case, the kidnappers will often keep their family members in circles, and finally pay the ransom in an unexpected place. When the police did not even respond, they ran away with the money.

Ye Feng estimates that this professional kidnapper will definitely play this routine.

Sure enough, soon, the girl’s father received the call.

“Are you at the Qianda Building now?”

“Here, how can I give you the money?” The girl’s father said anxiously: “Where is my daughter?”

“Don’t worry, now you come to China World Tower again!”

“Why change places?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, come quickly! By the way, you didn’t call the police, right?”

“No! No police!”

“It’s fine if you don’t have it. If you call the police, you just wait to collect your daughter’s body!”


04  The phone was hung up, and the kidnappers said the new location.

Ye Feng took a deep breath. His guess was correct. As expected, the kidnappers would constantly change locations to confuse people.

However, now that there are no more clues, Ye Feng can only let Luo Hui lead the team to continue to the China World Trade Center to set up control.

“Team Luo, the kidnappers are obviously going around in circles. I’m afraid they will continue to change locations. Is there no way to locate the technical team?” Ye Feng asked a little anxiously.

“No, time is not enough!” Luo team’s answer made Ye Feng a little helpless.

There was no other way but to continue to the China World Trade Center, but at this time Ye Feng quietly observed the car’s surroundings.

He was worried that the kidnappers would follow the car to determine if it was dangerous.

However, with his ultra-dynamic vision, he did not find any suspicious vehicles.

Thinking back to the kidnapper’s phone call just now, the kidnapper seemed to be not sure whether the couple called the police. Does that mean that they were not staring on the road?

Based on this estimate, the number of the kidnapping gang should be small, otherwise they will definitely resort to follow-up methods on the road.

Ye Feng was thinking about it. The car had already arrived at the China World Trade Center. It took a while before the kidnappers called again.

“If you have arrived at the China World Trade Center, now come to the west wall of No. 36 Middle School and move faster!”

Ye Feng frowned. From this sentence, he got a lot of information.

Sure enough, the kidnappers still have to continue to sneak, and the kidnappers did not follow the shooter, otherwise they would not just infer whether the couple drove to the designated place based on the time.

“Where to pay the money and let people go, can you walk us like this one after another!” The girl’s father has become a little hysterical.

“Don’t worry, as long as you are obedient, I guarantee your daughter is fine!” A hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone, “You are right to follow my instructions!”

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