Chapter 127

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The owner of the farmhouse gave it all!

From the first time he committed the crime to the present, he has committed seven consecutive crimes!

This number is different from what the Criminal Investigation Brigade knows, and there is actually one more victim.

But Ye Feng was relieved right away. Maybe that fellow traveler had no relatives or friends, so naturally no one noticed that he was missing, so he didn’t report the crime.

Under his identification, several police officers quickly completed the excavation, and a total of seven bodies were dug up.

As the first few victims were victimized for a long time, their bodies had been severely decomposed and could not be identified at all.

Seven corpses of various degrees of decay were placed together. This horrible scene really made people feel a bit scalp numb.

Undoubtedly, this is definitely one of the worst cases in Binhai City in recent years.

Maybe as soon as a news report comes out, it can make a national sensation in minutes.

The point is that seven victims means the sufferings and sorrows of seven families, and this is what Ye Feng feels for.

In a few moments, the reinforcements of the Criminal Investigation Brigade will arrive. Not to mention, it takes several vehicles to move the corpse!

Li Xu’s parents, who were temporarily resting in a nearby town, also arrived. When the two old men saw the corpse, they burst into tears and almost fainted from crying.

There is no doubt that this deceased is their son Li Xu.

However, several police officers hurriedly stopped them. The investigation has not yet ended, and the remains need to be protected.

“You goddamn bastard!”

“Loving God!”

“God, hurry up and smash him to death with a thunder!”

“You will definitely go to hell!”

Li Xu’s mother knew that her son had been killed by the owner of the farmhouse, so she rushed to desperately. After being stopped by the police, she shouted with a nervous breakdown. Obviously, her son’s death hit them too much.

Ye Feng couldn’t help sighing. If there is something he is most reluctant to face as a police officer, it is obviously facing the victim’s family. The kind of heart-wrenching sadness really makes people feel uncomfortable. !

After finishing the work for several hours, the officers of the Second Squadron searched for evidence in the farmyard in all directions. Under the confession of the suspect, they found some stolen goods hidden by him.

Finally, the site was sealed off, and the village head was told not to let curious villagers enter this farmyard casually.

When all the finishing work is completed, it is almost ten o’clock in the evening!

Fortunately, the interrogation has basically ended, and the follow-up work has to be easier.

On the way back, everyone felt a sense of relief. Although they felt sorry for the victim’s family, the ability to solve a rare and big case was enough to make them proud and proud.

“Gurulu….. Gurulu…”

Jin Feng’s belly suddenly called out loudly, causing everyone to laugh.

“Don’t laugh, as if you are not hungry!” Jin Feng curled his lips, looking like “You are better than me”!

Jin Feng’s words left everyone stunned, and then suddenly they felt hungry!

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