Chapter 123

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“Perhaps you can ask Erhanzi, he should know something.” The owner of the farmyard suddenly said next to him.

“Who is Erhanzi?” Zhao Daqi asked strangely.

The owner of the farmyard sat on the small bench and began to explain.

“Erhanzi is a young man in the village. He looked stupid when he was a child, so everyone called him Erhanzi.”

“His parents died early, so they dropped out of school early and didn’t go out to work, so they planted a little bit at home to maintain their living.”

“But the young man learned to pick medicine from his father, and sometimes he would go up the mountain to pick some medicine in exchange for money.”

“About a few years ago, when he was collecting medicine on the mountain, he met a fellow traveler with an injured foot, so he distributed a bit of dry food to the fellow traveler, and relied on his strength to carry the fellow traveler down the mountain. At that time, he walked for almost a day. One night!”

“As a thank you, my travel friend gave Erhanzi all the cash he had, which is almost a few thousand yuan!”

“From this time on, Er Hanzi seems to have gotten awake.”

“Every time he sees a donkey go up the mountain, he prepares dry food and water, carries the medicine basket, 04 also follows the mountain, and follows the donkey from a distance.”

“This kind of behavior like stalking makes the donkey very awkward, but after all, the mountain is not yours alone. You have to let others go, so you can’t say anything.”

“If there is nothing wrong with the donkey, Er Hanzi will gather the medicine by himself.”

“Once the traveler encounters any trouble, Er Hanzi will appear immediately to help solve the problem.”

“Don’t say, Er Hanzi can really get a lot of thank-you fees, plus the medicine he picked, and the little days will go happily!”

“I didn’t pay attention to whether Erhanzi followed Li Xu when he went up the mountain, but I saw him in the village these days.”

“You can ask him.”


Everyone couldn’t help but shine after listening to the owner of the farmhouse.

This is a very important message.

If Er Hanzi followed Li Xu up the mountain from a distance that day, then no matter what happened to Li Xu, he should know everything well.

Immediately, Zhao Daqi rushed to Erhanzi’s home with a few team members.

“We are the police, and now I want to know some things about the loss of the travel friends in Donghushan.” Zhao Daqi said straightforwardly.

Erhanzi obviously didn’t have much preparation for the sudden arrival of so many policemen. After being surprised, he scratched his head and said, “Then you can ask.”

“We understand that you often follow your travel friend into the mountain from a distance. Then there was a travel friend named Li Xu who came into the mountain the day before yesterday. Have you followed him up the mountain?”

“No! I caught a cold a few days ago and felt uncomfortable, so I stayed at home and didn’t go out.”

Erhanzi’s answer made everyone frowned.

Didn’t follow into the mountain?

“Then, can anyone prove it to you?” Zhao Daqi asked in a solemn expression.

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