Chapter 121

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At the same time, in the office of Zhao He, head of the Criminal Investigation Brigade, Zhao Daqi was reporting to him the burglary that had just been cracked.

“So, none of you found out, only Ye Feng himself found the burglar?”

Zhao Hyuk’s expression was weird, and he even felt a little unbelievable.

Although he knew Ye Feng’s enchanting ability, he insisted on transferring Ye Feng to the Criminal Investigation Brigade.

But the problem is that these soldiers under his own are not vegetarians, and the fighting power is also leveraged. This has always been a place where he is very proud.

But now that Ye Feng reports, it took just one time to send out the police, and he compared his usual combat effectiveness to the screaming soldiers.

This made him really feel like he didn’t know whether he should be happy or sad.

However, Zhao He also couldn’t laugh at the thought of Ye Feng catching the thief by smelling the smelly feet.

This method of solving crimes is really rare!

“Waiting for a vacation for Ye Feng tomorrow, let him go to the hospital for an ENT department, don’t let the smelly feet smear his nose! Haha!” Zhao He laughed.

Zhao Daqi laughed a few times, and then said with emotion: “A Feng, this kid is really amazing, he feels that he will be caught in any case as long as he goes out.”

Zhao He couldn’t help but smile, “For A Feng, it is a normal operation for the police to arrest the prisoner and come back. You may not know it. At the Wanshuihe Police Station, there have been many suspects who took the initiative to send the door to Ye Feng. Catch, that’s a miracle!”

However, as soon as Zhao He’s voice fell, an internal police officer knocked on the door and came in to report.

“Report to the captain. Ye Feng has just arrested a suspect posing as a police officer in the office of the second squadron. The interrogation has been completed.”

Zhao He: “……”

Zhao Daqi: “…”

I just said that all the suspects sent to Wanshuihe will be sent to the door to wait for Ye Feng to be arrested. Now Ye Feng has arrested one at home…

Moreover, what the hell is this in arresting the suspect in the office of the Second Squadron?

This person pretending to be a policeman is nothing more than bluffing and deceiving outside, and he even dared to go to the Criminal Investigation Brigade to do things.

Isn’t this a self-inflicted trap?

Now, they don’t know how to describe their feelings anymore.

Looking at it this way, maybe Ye Feng, let alone in the office, even if he goes home to sleep and sleepwalking, he can catch you a prisoner back…



In the next few days, there are no special tasks, which means that there are no major incidents in Binhai, which is a good thing.

And Ye Feng has been sitting at his desk looking through past case files.

I have to say that the criminal cases that were not able to be solved by concentrating their energy at that time were all intricate and clueless.

Just looking at the case file, Ye Feng was a little confused.

Even some of these old cases have passed the prosecution period. If there are no special circumstances, they will not be found out for a second investigation.

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