Chapter 147

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In the conference room of the Yuehe Town Police Station, the task force temporarily settled here and held a meeting.

The two squadron captains habitually competed with each other there, as if they had to pressure each other.

Seeing the two of them where you dissatisfied me, Ye Feng would like to ask Daqi Zhao-your goddess has become a child’s mother, what are you struggling with?

However, as the meeting officially began, the two squadron captains silently shut up.

“Every team talks about it, what are the results today?” Zhao Daqi is the deputy leader of the task force, so he is responsible for presiding over the meeting.

Several police officers from the Yuehe Town Police Station participated in the mopai.

Yang Feng looked at the police officer of the Wuhai Criminal Investigation Squadron with hope in his eyes.

Although it is precisely because the Wuhai Criminal Investigation Squadron has not completed the investigation of the case, the Municipal Bureau will set up a task force to allow the Criminal Investigation Brigade to also intervene, but now it is his old opponent Zhao Daqi. Yang Feng does not want Zhao Daqi 04 to take the lead. Therefore, he hopes that the police under him will find useful clues first.

However, what made him a little embarrassed was that the officers of Wuhai Squadron who participated in the platooning today also shook their heads, obviously without gain.

Only Luo Yang hesitated to speak and stopped, as if he didn’t know whether to speak or not.

Yang Feng noticed Luo Yang, and his already depressed heart instantly filled with hope.

Could it be that Luo Yang has something to gain?

“Luo Yang, tell me!” Yang Feng called the name directly, and then looked at Zhao Daqi with a slightly triumphant expression, as if he was saying–seeing that, my Wuhai Squadron is still very effective.

However, Luo Yang stood up and hesitated to say a word, but almost made Yang Feng who was drinking water choke to death there.

“Sergeant Ye Feng seems to have found his way!”

This is what Luo Yang said.

In an instant, the entire conference room was silent, and everyone looked at Ye Feng with incredible eyes, only Yang Feng’s continuous coughing sound was left.

This time, it was Zhao Daqi’s turn to be proud.

“Afeng, let’s talk about it!” Zhao Daqi directly called the name, and then looked at Yang Feng with triumphant eyes, just like a counterattack just now.

Ye Feng couldn’t help but sighed. Why are these two leaders still like children?

However, business matters still matter, Ye Feng cleared his throat and explained his speculation in its entirety.

“First, I think it was an acquaintance who committed the crime!”

“On the one hand, the suspect should know that the deceased has the habit of going to the bank to deposit turnover.”

“On the other hand, if it is just a simple robbery, there is no need to kill. The last possible reason is that the acquaintance was recognized by the deceased during the robbery, and the suspect had to silence it.”

“Continuing to speculate in this direction, from the investigation of the deceased’s social network, I think that the female salesperson of the clothing store, Wang Xiuhua, must not be able to get rid of the relationship.”

“Wang Xiuhua’s boyfriend Liu Xingyu opened a barber shop with limited income, but he just bought a fruit phone for Wang Xiuhua, which aroused my suspicion.”

“Although Liu Xingyu had an alibi during the investigation, this alibi may be overturned.”

“At the time of the incident, although Liu Xingyu’s barber shop was closed, the lights were on inside. Someone proved that Liu Xingyu was playing games in it.”

“But I observed it in Liu Xingyu’s barber shop today. There is indeed a computer in the compartment inside, but the computer screen is facing the doorway. In other words, you can only see one back from the outside, not the face, so the testimony To be verified!”

“I have asked Luo Yang to retrieve the call records of Liu Xingyu and Wang Xiuhua, and search for people similar to him in Liu Xingyu’s social circle.”

“My guess in the case is that Wang Xiuhua may have inadvertently told Liu Xingyu about the deceased’s occasional visit to the bank to deposit money.”

“Liu Xingyu’s income is not high, and he has a malicious heart. He has found out the law of the deceased to save money, and is ready to carry out robbery.”

“He will definitely let Wang Xiuhua call or text herself immediately after get off work on the day of the incident to determine the approximate elapsed time of the deceased.”

“However, when the robbery was subsequently carried out, perhaps because of the struggle of the deceased, or perhaps because of his own mistakes, his appearance was seen by the deceased.”

“In order not to let the matter be revealed, he chose to kill others.”

“As for his alibi, because through the glass door of the barber shop, you can only see someone playing games inside. As long as the appearance is not much different, it is difficult to tell if the player inside is Liu Xingyu himself.”

“The person who was sitting on the computer and playing games at the time was probably a friend or relative of Liu Xingyu to create an alibi.”

“Of course, this is the result of my speculation, and it is not necessarily correct.”

Ye Feng finished his speculation and took a sip of water, only to find that the meeting room was silent. Everyone looked at Ye Feng blankly, the expression on his face was full of weirdness and shock.

It’s no wonder everyone reacts like this, it’s that Ye Feng’s performance is too enchanting and unimaginable.

This tricky case has been bothering them for several days. They have done a lot of work to find all possible clues, but they still have no clue now, so that the city bureau had to set up a special task force to investigate.

Originally, everyone thought that even if a task force was set up, the case was so difficult that it would probably take a lot of time and police force to crack it. There might even be no clues, and the case could not be solved.

Today is the first day that the task force was established, and it would be great for them to be in working condition.

Just now when Luo Yang said that Ye Feng might have a direction, they thought that Ye Feng had found a little clue at best, nothing more.

But who would have thought that Ye Feng led the team to go around and asked a few people who were related to the deceased. After returning, he had already reasoned out the whole case.

This is too exaggerated, right?

It feels like Ye Feng has experienced the whole process of the case from the perspective of God.

But what is even more frightening is that they followed Ye Feng’s thinking and reasoning and found that it was really reasonable, and there was nothing illogical.

This horrible reasoning ability is so perfect, the logic is perfect, even if they kill them, they can’t do it.

At this moment, they had already worshipped Ye Feng’s five bodies!

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